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IGOV 22 Students Share Their Experiences During Student Exchange Program in Maejo University

Nine students from the International Program of Governmental Studies (IGOV) class of 2020 at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) recently shared their experiences during a student exchange program at Maejo University in Thailand. The students not only gained valuable educational insights but also learned how to adapt to the customs of Thailand.

One of the most memorable experiences for the students was participating in the birthday event for the business faculty at Maejo University. They made nasi tumpeng, a traditional Indonesian dish, and other dishes. They enthusiastically searched for various ingredients for the nasi tumpeng, walking about 2 km to the market to find them.

The students also shared how they celebrated Ramadan in Thailand. They were greatly helped by the existence of a Muslim community in Maejo and even held an iftar together with the Maejo University Muslim community. Since the Indonesian Students Association (PPI) in Thailand is rare at Maejo University, the Muslim community there provided much-needed support.

Despite facing various experiences and problems, the students always tried to be together to bond and maintain unity. They have many memorable stories from their time in Thailand, and their excitement was evident as they shared their experiences.

The IGOV program at UMY is the most prestigious department in Indonesia, achieving the highest accreditation with A accreditation by the National Accreditation Board-Higher Education (BAN-PT). The student exchange program at Maejo University is just one example of IGOV students’ opportunities to gain valuable international experience and broaden their horizons.


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UMY IGOV Lecturer Receives 4 Achievement Awards at the University Level

Yogyakarta, August 26, 2023 – The Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta has awarded four achievement awards to lecturers of the International Program of Governmental Studies (IGOV) at the university level. The decision was made based on the best performance of lecturers in several categories, including research, community service, scientific publications, and creative works.

The following are the IGOV lecturers who have been awarded as outstanding lecturers, along with their respective award categories:

1. Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, S.IP., M.Si., and Dr. Zuly Qodir, S.Ag., M.Ag., as recipients of the highest score in the SINTA category for the last three years.

3. Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP., as the recipient of the best community service category for the last three years based on the number of titles and total community service funds.

4. Phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, M.A., received the best research category for the last three years based on the number of titles and total research funds.

The rector’s decision, issued on Saturday (19/8), shows that IGOV lecturers have high capabilities with various achievements within and outside the university.



IGOV 2022 Has Completed English Booster In Pare

August 24, 2023. Yesterday was a historic day for IGOV 2022 students who studied in Pare, Kediri because they gathered and were warmly welcomed by the IGOV team. The pick-up staff were Muhammad Naufal Rofi, S.I.P., and Dimas Fawwaz Putra Arvian. The day started with their departure from the postgraduate building at 07.15, and the peak arrived in Pare, Kediri, around 01.00.

Upon arrival, a heartfelt gathering was held at Daffodil, where students expressed their gratitude to Maam Septin, a dedicated teacher at Daffodil. This sentiment was followed by a visit to Alfalfa, bringing together seven students. IGOV 2022 students conveyed their impressions and messages through these exchanges and interactions. They convey great joy in their learning journey, emphasizing that education is enriching and enjoyable. Students also emphasized their joy at making new friends and forming effective and engaging dynamic study groups. This event left an indelible impression on all participants, symbolizing the friendship and enthusiasm that characterizes the IGOV community.


Menuju Generasi Emas 2045: Membangun Indonesia yang Maju dan Berkarakter

Tahun 2045 menjadi tonggak sejarah bagi Indonesia, saat negara ini merayakan usia 100 tahun atau satu abad perjalanan. Momentum ini telah menginspirasi lahirnya konsep Generasi Emas 2045, sebuah gagasan yang memiliki tujuan ambisius untuk membawa Indonesia menjadi negara maju dan berdaya saing tinggi di panggung global.

Presiden Joko Widodo secara tegas telah menggarisbawahi bahwa sisa waktu 13 tahun menuju tahun 2045 memiliki makna yang sangat penting dalam mewujudkan cita-cita negara menjadi negara maju. Hal ini tak lepas dari fakta bahwa dalam kurun waktu tersebut, Indonesia masih akan menikmati periode bonus demografi yang dimulai sejak 2012 hingga 2036, sebagaimana proyeksi penduduk berdasarkan data Survei Penduduk Antarsensus (Supas) 2015.

Bonus demografi menjadi poin sentral dalam upaya pencapaian tujuan Generasi Emas 2045. Fase ini memberikan Indonesia keuntungan berupa populasi usia produktif yang melimpah, dengan rasio ketergantungan di bawah 50, yang potensial untuk meraih pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat. Namun, keberhasilan pemanfaatan bonus demografi ini tidak terlepas dari pengembangan komprehensif generasi muda Indonesia.

Melihat pentingnya dampak positif yang dapat dihasilkan dari periode bonus demografi, langkah-langkah konkret perlu diambil untuk menyongsong Generasi Emas 2045. Pendidikan harus berfokus pada mengembangkan kecerdasan komprehensif, yang mencakup aspek produktivitas dan inovasi, kemampuan berinteraksi secara harmonis dalam masyarakat, serta pembentukan karakter yang kuat. Selain itu, terdapat pula 5 Life Skill penting yang perlu ditanamkan pada pemuda Indonesia:

1. Critical Thinking: Kemampuan berpikir kritis dan analitis adalah landasan penting untuk menjadi sumber daya unggul dalam dunia profesional dan kreatif. Menyelesaikan masalah sosial dan mendorong gagasan segar perlu didasarkan pada pemahaman konsep yang mendalam.

2. Creativity and Innovation: Kreativitas dan inovasi membentuk landasan perubahan positif dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan.

3. Communication Skill: Keterampilan komunikasi adalah kunci untuk maju dalam berbagai bidang. Kemampuan menyampaikan gagasan dan berkolaborasi secara efektif memiliki dampak besar.

4. Collaboration: Kemampuan berkolaborasi membawa dampak lebih besar daripada usaha individu. Kemampuan beradaptasi dan bekerja dalam tim adalah keterampilan esensial bagi generasi emas.

5. Confidence: Rasa percaya diri mendorong semangat untuk meraih prestasi setinggi mungkin. Keyakinan ini menjadi dasar bagi pemuda Indonesia dalam mewujudkan harapan bangsa.

Pembangunan Generasi Emas 2045 bukanlah sekadar wacana, melainkan komitmen untuk mengukir prestasi gemilang bagi Indonesia. Melalui pendidikan yang mendalam, pengembangan keterampilan, dan penguatan karakter, Indonesia bergerak maju menuju masa depan yang lebih baik dan lebih berdaya saing di kancah global.


Harmadi, S. H. B. (2023, June 27). Sisa Waktu bonus demografi. kompas.id. https://www.kompas.id/baca/opini/2023/06/26/sisa-waktu-bonus-demografi

Siapkah Kamu Jadi Generasi EMAS 2045: Indonesia Baik. indonesiabaik. (n.d.). https://indonesiabaik.id/infografis/siapkah-kamu-jadi-generasi-emas-2045

SohIB. (n.d.). 5C, life skill penting untuk Pemuda Indonesia. Capai Generasi Emas 2045!. SohIB. https://sohib.indonesiabaik.id/article/5c-life-skill-penting-pemuda-vVfOE

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IGOV Staff Held Discussion and Evaluation about IGOV Program on School Program 2022/2023

In an important meeting, IGOV (International Government Studies) staff gathered on August 21, 2023, at the YATS Colony Hotel to conduct a thorough discussion and evaluation of various academic and non-academic initiatives carried out during the 2022-2023 school year. . Led by the esteemed Director of IGOV, Mr. Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP., the event was also attended by important figures including Muhammad Naufal Rofi, S.I.P., Fauziah Nauri Qisty, S.H., Annisaa Luthfi Amalia, Nurul Izzah Aula, Fransiska Regita Setyaningrum, and Dimas Fawwaz Putra Arvian.

The session, which starts at 16.30 and ends at 18.30, revolves around a thorough discussion in various fields, including academic and non-academic aspects, as well as the Student Capacity program. Delving deep into the field of digital presence, this discourse extends to the development of social media and strategies for advancing promotional efforts. In particular, the discussions paved the way for the planning of the upcoming IGOV program in the coming school year. The day’s productive talks continued with a friendly dinner at YATS Resto, which fostered collaboration and friendship among IGOV staff members.


Benefits of Learning Government in International Class Education Program for Students

Education is the key to preparing a generation ready to face global challenges. An international class government education program is a crucial effort to equip students with relevant knowledge and skills in a global context. Here are several important benefits that students gain from participating in an international class government education program:

1. In-Depth Understanding of Global Issues: Students in this program have the opportunity to understand global issues such as climate change, international trade, conflicts, and global health. A deep understanding of these issues helps students comprehend their global and local impacts.

2. Cross-Cultural Perspective: Through interactions with fellow students from various countries, students can gain insights into different cultures, political perspectives, and governance systems. This opens their minds to diverse viewpoints, enriching their understanding of global matters.

3. Diplomacy and Negotiation Skills: This program often involves international diplomacy and negotiation simulations. This assists students in developing vital skills in communicating with other nations, seeking compromise solutions, and bridging differences.

4. Foreign Language Proficiency: Many international class government education programs require foreign language proficiency, often English. Proficiency in a foreign language opens access to various global information sources and facilitates cross-cultural communication.

5. International Network: Students will build a network of relationships with classmates worldwide. This network can benefit their future careers, whether working in international organizations, diplomacy, or other professional collaborations.

6. Readiness for a Global Career: This program equips students with a profound understanding of international relations, diplomacy, and global governance. It readies them for work in an increasingly connected and diverse environment.

7. Strengthened Critical Thinking Skills: International class government education challenges students to think critically about complex global issues. They are encouraged to analyze, evaluate, and formulate solutions to these challenges.

8. Building Self-Confidence: Participating in an international program encourages students to adapt to different environments. This helps them build self-confidence and independence, which is crucial in an ever-changing world.

The international class government education program offers unique opportunities for students to develop the skills and understandings needed to navigate an increasingly complex global landscape. By reaping these benefits, students become better prepared to contribute to a better and more sustainable world.


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Memaknai makna kemerdekaan dengan mengimplementasikan nilai dasar dari konstitusi negara.

Yogyakarta, 18 Agustus 2023 – Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nashir, mendorong makna mendalam kemerdekaan dengan menerapkan nilai-nilai mendasar yang terkandung dalam konstitusi negara. Dalam pernyataannya, Haedar Nashir menekankan bahwa UUD 1945 bukan hanya sebuah dokumen hukum, tetapi juga sebuah panduan moral bagi generasi penerus untuk mengisi kemerdekaan dengan tindakan yang bermanfaat bagi bangsa dan negara.

“UUD 1945 adalah pesan konstitusional untuk generasi pasca kemerdekaan. Itulah tasyakur kita, bentuk kesyukuran kita lebih dari sekadar kegembiraan dan hal-hal simbolik semata,” ungkap Haedar Nashir dengan tegas.

Dalam pandangan Haedar Nashir, nilai-nilai luhur yang tertuang dalam konstitusi harus diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. “Bangun fisik, tetapi juga bangun jiwanya. Jangan sampai Indonesia kuat secara fisik, tetapi lemah jiwanya. Kita mampu bangkit menjadi negara maju jika kita bersatu, jika kita menyerap nilai-nilai luhur itu sekaligus mengubah Indonesia menjadi Indonesia Emas yang tegak di atas fondasi konstitusi,” katanya dengan penuh semangat.

Beberapa konkret cara mengamalkan nilai-nilai bangsa yang terkandung dalam konstitusi:

1. Menghargai Perbedaan: Menghormati dan menerima perbedaan antara individu, kelompok, dan budaya sebagai bagian integral dari keberagaman Indonesia.
2. Mengawal dan Mengawasi Kebijakan Publik: Menyuarakan pendapat dan mengawasi jalannya kebijakan publik untuk memastikan keadilan dan kesejahteraan.
3. Menyebarkan Informasi Benar dan Jelas: Menjadi pelopor dalam menyebarkan informasi yang benar dan jelas, serta membantu memerangi penyebaran berita palsu (hoax).
4. Mengikuti Kegiatan Bermakna: Aktif terlibat dalam kegiatan yang bermanfaat dan berkontribusi positif kepada masyarakat.
5. Mengenalkan Budaya Indonesia ke Dunia: Memperkenalkan kekayaan budaya Indonesia kepada dunia sebagai upaya membangun citra positif bangsa.
6. Melakukan Hal-Hal Positif: Berbuat baik dalam skala kecil maupun besar untuk memperbaiki kondisi sosial dan lingkungan.

Pesan Haedar Nashir ini memberikan inspirasi baru bagi generasi muda Indonesia untuk berkontribusi secara positif dalam membangun bangsa dan menghargai nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam konstitusi negara.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to Registering for IGOVers to Student Exchange Program

Embarking on a student exchange journey can be a transformative experience, opening doors to new cultures and perspectives while furthering your education. If you’re an IGOVer interested in the Student Exchange program at the Institute of Global Opportunities and Ventures (IGOV), understanding the registration process is crucial. This article presents a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the two pathways available for registering: through the International Relations Office (IRO) and directly through IGOV.

Before diving into the specifics, let’s break down the process of registering for the Student Exchange program at IGOV. The registration procedure is bifurcated into two main routes: via the IRO and directly through IGOV.

Registering through the International Relations Office (IRO)

1. Access SIGOV: Begin by logging into SIGOV, the student portal that serves as the gateway to various IGOV services.

2. Navigating to the Exchange Feature: Once inside SIGOV, locate and click on the “Exchange” feature, which will direct you to the Student Exchange application section.

3. Document Submission and Questionnaire: This step involves uploading the necessary documents, such as transcripts, letters of motivation, and any other materials stipulated by IGOV. Complete the accompanying questionnaire to provide relevant information.

4. Letter Section: Move to the “Letters” section of the application portal, where you will initiate the process of obtaining a recommendation letter.

5. Requesting the Recommendation Letter: In order to strengthen your application, request a recommendation letter. This can be done by following the provided guidelines on SIGOV.

6. Interview Process: If your recommendation letter is secured, you will undergo an interview as part of the evaluation process. Successful completion of the interview leads to the issuance of a recommendation letter.

7. Application Submission via IRO: With the recommendation letter acquired, finalize your application by formally submitting it through the IRO.

Direct Registration through IGOV

1. Access SIGOV: Log into SIGOV, the same platform used for IRO registration.

2. Locate the Exchange Feature: Navigate to the “Exchange” feature within the SIGOV interface.

3. Document Submission and Questionnaire: Similar to the IRO route, upload the required documents and respond to the provided questionnaire.

4. Proceed to Letters: Move on to the “Letters” section to initiate the process of acquiring a recommendation letter.

5. Request a Recommendation Letter: Just as in the IRO pathway, request a recommendation letter to enhance the strength of your application.

6. Participate in the Interview: Engage in the interview process, a pivotal stage for assessing your suitability for the Student Exchange program.

7. Await Further Instructions: Following the successful completion of the interview and securing the recommendation letter, anticipate further communication from IGOV regarding your application status.

The journey to registering for the Student Exchange program at IGOV involves meticulous attention to detail and adherence to the prescribed steps. Whether you choose the IRO route or the direct IGOV path, both share a parallel structure, encompassing document submission, recommendation letter acquisition, and an interview phase. As you embark on this exciting endeavor, remember that securing a place in the Student Exchange program requires a compelling application that highlights your academic achievements, aspirations, and cross-cultural adaptability. For a more in-depth guide, consult the detailed instructions provided in the accompanying slides. Wishing you the best as you embark on your journey to becoming an IGOVer and exploring the world through the Student Exchange program!

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The 4th Journal of Government and Politics International Conference 2023 Unveils Exploration into Democracy and Sustainable Development

Yogyakarta, 10 August 2023. The curtains have risen on the 4th Journal of Government and Politics International Conference 2023, a prestigious intellectual gathering hosted by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. With the theme “Magnifying Democracy and Sustainable Development Towards Resilience Governance in Virtual State,” this two-day event is set to delve deep into the intricate intersections of governance, technology, and sustainable development.

The conference, taking place on August 9th and 10th, 2023, has drawn the attention of scholars, researchers, post-graduate students, and practitioners from across the globe who are passionate about the realms of government and politics. Under the overarching theme, the event is further enriched by thought-provoking sub-themes including “Risk Government Machine,” “Digital Government,” “Security of E-Voting System,” “Digital Democracy,” and “Blockchain Secure E-Voting System.”

The Journal of Government and Politics International Conference (JGP-IC) has established itself as an annual intellectual rendezvous where minds converge to share, discuss, and present their scholarly papers. Beyond the academic aspect, the conference aims to foster vibrant discussions, exchange of ideas, and collaboration among researchers, scholars, and practitioners working in diverse scientific domains.

In alignment with its international scope, the conference is conducted in English, serving as a common language for communication among participants. The conference eagerly invites the submission of original research papers and posters that have not yet been presented, published, or under consideration elsewhere.

The conference commenced with an invigorating speech from the Chairman, Awang Darumurti, S.IP., M.Si, followed by insights from the esteemed Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, DR. Takdir Ali Mukti, M.Si. The wisdom of Dr. Tunjung Sulaksono, S.IP., M.Si, the Head of the Study Program of Government Science then enriched the audience.

Guiding the sessions with expertise and finesse is the accomplished moderator, Mrs. Rahmawati Husein, MCP, Ph.D. Among the prominent speakers, Professor Dr. Ward Berenschot, Ph.D., from the University of Amsterdam, stands out. His presentation titled “Political Anthropology, Political Violence, Clientelism, Indonesian Politics, and Indian Politics” promises to unveil novel perspectives on intricate political dynamics. Adding to the intellectual tapestry is Ismail Fahmi, Ph.D., from Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia. His “Natural Language Processing, Semantic Web, Digital Library” presentation invites attendees to explore the cutting edge of technology’s impact on governance.

As the conference unfolds, the atmosphere is charged with the excitement of learning, discovery, and knowledge exchange. The 4th Journal of Government and Politics International Conference 2023 is poised to leave a profound mark on the discourse of democracy, sustainable development, and governance.

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IGOV In A Month Of July

IGOV is doing several activities this month, guys. These activities facilitate IGOVers in developing abilities and skills. As participants engage in these carefully curated endeavors, they embark on a journey of growth and transformation.

USM Graduation Night

Kevin Arya Pranaja, IGOVers 2021, attended the Graduation Night event at Wembley Hotel Penang on July 6, 2023. This event is a mandatory agenda for USM’s Spring 23 Exchange Students who have completed the Student Exchange program at USM.

Tropical Data Science School

Mohammad Erlangga Marcelliano and Dea Hafiz Finiagara Putra, IGOVers 2020 have attended the Tropical Data Science School in Malaysia, guys. This activity was held from 20 -27 July 2023. They studied Data Science, were active in discussions, and participated in Cultural Activities there.

English Booster IGOVers 2022

On Saturday, 22 July 2023, IGOVers 2022 departed for Pare, Kediri to participate in the English Booth Camp for one month. This activity is held to hone speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in English through intensive training.

IGOV International Student At KKN UMY

Modou Lamin Juwara, IGOVers 2020 is participating in KKN, you know. As an international student, Modou is still obliged to take part in KKN just like any other student. She is happy to have such a supportive group and hopes it will be a great and memorable experience for her.

IGOV Welcome New Students

IGOV again accepted International Students batch 2023, Jalika Darboe from Gambia and Osid Ahmed from Yemen. They are happy to join IGOV and are excited to take part in the IGOV program in the new semester tomorrow. They will start their academic activities on 18 September 2023.

4th IGoPSS (International Government and Politic Summer School)

For one week, IGOV held a Summer School with the theme Advancements and Developments in the Green Economy: Towards Effective Governance and Policy Making. The agenda will be held from 27 July to 2 August 2023.