3 things you have to decide when you already joined IGOV

Yogyakarta (6/9) – the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) is an international class from the UMY Government Science Study Program (Prodi IP) which offers many facilities for its students so that they can compete when they have to face the world of job competition. New students of IGOV UMY, have to decide so that the facilities provided by IGOV UMY are not wasted. Here are some things that IGOV UMY new students have to decide:

1. Choose Your Student Capacity Building Program!
IGOV has many Student Capacity Building Programs that you can join. Besides filling your spare time, this program can help you to improve your soft skills so that you can compete in the job market.

2. Want Student Exchange abroad? EZ
Relax, IGOV has many international partners from Asia to Europe so you don’t get confused about where to go for Student Exchange. Oya, at IGOV, Student Exchange is a must. xixi

3. Choose your favorite subjects!
You will learn the ins and outs of government from the Indonesian Government System, Public Administration System, Government Ecology, Government Management, and Communication, Legislative, Judicial and Executive Processes, to Social Statistics. (ARP)

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