International Summit Illuminates Path to Sustainable Peatland Governance and Bioeconomy Transition

In a gathering of global minds, experts from Indonesia, Finland, and the European Union convened at the prestigious “Navigating Peatland Governance and Bioeconomy Transition” summit, offering profound insights and strategies to address environmental challenges on an international scale.

Unlocking Indonesia’s Peatland Governance: A Model for the World

The summit kicked off with a captivating exploration of Indonesia’s journey in peatland governance. Distinguished panelists shed light on the challenges faced by the nation and showcased successful strategies, emphasizing the pivotal role of public-private partnerships in sustainable peatland management. Attendees gained valuable lessons from Indonesia’s experiences, laying the groundwork for effective global strategies.

Finland’s Bioeconomy Triumphs: A Blueprint for Innovation

As the agenda progressed, Finnish experts presented a series of compelling case studies, unraveling the success story of Finland’s bioeconomy transition. Technological innovations, collaborative approaches, and sustainable practices took center stage, illustrating a path towards a bioeconomically resilient future. The global audience eagerly absorbed the lessons learned from Finland’s achievements, identifying actionable measures for replication in diverse settings.

European Union’s Stewardship: Shaping a Sustainable Future

The European Union, represented by influential leaders, spearheaded a robust roundtable discussion. Policies, initiatives, and collaborative efforts aimed at promoting sustainable bioeconomy practices were unveiled. The EU’s commitment to fostering a greener, more sustainable future resonated throughout the session, inspiring other nations to follow suit in their pursuit of environmental stewardship.

Interactive Workshop Spurs Global Collaboration

The summit reached its zenith with an interactive workshop, where participants actively engaged in discussions and collaborative activities. Together, they worked towards crafting a global framework for peatland conservation and bioeconomic growth, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for our planet’s well-being.Global Framework for a Greener Tomorrow: Summit’s Culmination

In closing, the summit’s organizers expressed gratitude to participants, speakers, and sponsors for contributing to this enriching dialogue. The insights gained and collaborative spirit fostered at the event are poised to shape a global framework for sustainable peatland governance and bioeconomic transition, forging a path towards a more environmentally conscious and resilient future.

This international summit stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in addressing pressing environmental challenges. As nations unite in their commitment to sustainable practices, the path forward becomes clearer, offering hope for a greener, more harmonious planet.


Personal Branding Workshop for IGOV at UMY

On Saturday, November 11 2023, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY) held an excellence-based personal branding workshop for the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV). The main speaker in this activity was Virpi Pakarinen, who came from the University of Eastern Finland. The event starts at 07.00 and lasts until 10.30 am.

The workshop was attended by a total of 22 students, consisting of 8 IGOV students and 14 regular government science students. During the first two hours, Virpi delivered informative material on how to build personal branding with a focus on the advantages of IGOV. The question and answer session continued for one and a half hours, where three IGOV students asked interesting questions related to the topic.

The event ended with an atmosphere full of enthusiasm when all participants took photos together, reflecting the success and enthusiasm inspired by this workshop. The opportunity to learn directly from Virpi Pakarinen provided new insights for IGOV and regular government science students at UMY in understanding the importance of personal branding to strengthen self-image and the excellence of the study program.


Friday Full of Kindness: A Unique Exchange Student Experience in Chiang Mai

On Friday, October 20 2023, exchange students from Maejo University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, experienced a special experience when attending Friday prayers at the Peachbuilding Foundation, an Islamic Center located near their campus.

Previously, a group of students, including Acha Fis, carried out a survey of nearby places of worship for Friday activities. This was done in response to the difficulties of those who come from Indonesia and want to carry out worship regularly. Luck came when they met Wan Idrid, head of the Peachbuilding Foundation.

During a meeting on the Maejo campus, exchange students discussed with campus administrators and proposed that every Friday, they could be picked up and taken home by Wan Idrid to perform Friday prayers at the Peachbuilding Foundation. This request was well received, and Wan Idrid himself was happy to receive them in a friendly manner.

Friday events at the Peachbuilding Foundation took place as usual with sermons and Friday prayers. What’s interesting, after the service, they are served with typical Chiang Mai food, Khao Soi, and hot Thai Tea, served directly on the spot. Wan Idrid also gave free avocados to take home.

Awaliyah Igov, one of the participants, shared her experience, noting that Wan Idrid was very friendly and embraced them wholeheartedly. The language barrier is a challenge, especially in communicating with the mothers and children there.

The taste of the food, according to Igov, has strong spices but is not as salty as Indonesian food. Next, students were invited to visit the Peachbuilding Foundation office, where Wan Idrid explained further about the objectives and activities of the Islamic Center.

Wan Idrid, who comes from Malaysia and has a graduate background in international relations, explained that the Peachbuilding Foundation focuses on embracing minority Muslims in Chiang Mai, including local residents and students like them. This foundation also provides mosque places of worship and various religious activities, such as routine studies which are open to the public.

This experience not only increases cultural diversity among exchange students, but also opens their minds to the diverse religious practices in the city of Chiang Mai.

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SERAH TERIMA JABATAN DIRECTUR IGOV: Rijal Ramdani, S.IP., MPA., Resmi Pimpin International Program of Government Affairs and Administration UMY

Yogyakarta, 9 November 2023 – Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (FISIPOL) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) menggelar acara serah terima jabatan Direktur International Program of Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV). Mr. Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP., yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur IGOV, secara resmi menyerahkan tongkat estafet kepemimpinan kepada penggantinya, Mr. Rijal Ramdani, S.IP., MPA. Acara serah terima jabatan ini dihadiri oleh sejumlah tokoh penting di lingkungan FISIP UMY, termasuk Dekan FISIP, Wakil Dekan I FISIP, Wakil Dekan II FISIP, dan struktural program studi Ilmu Pemerintahan.

Dalam hal ini, Mr. Sakir Ridho Wijaya menyampaikan rasa terima kasihnya atas dukungan dan kerjasama selama kepemimpinannya. Di sisi lain, Mr. Rijal Ramdani, S.IP., MPA, yang kini resmi menjabat sebagai Direktur IGOV, menyatakan komitmennya untuk melanjutkan kebijakan dan program positif yang telah diterapkan oleh pendahulunya. Ia menyampaikan niatnya untuk terus meningkatkan mutu dan relevansi program IGOV.Dekan FISIP UMY, sebagai saksi dari serah terima jabatan ini, menyampaikan harapannya agar kepemimpinan baru dapat membawa IGOV menjadi kelas internasional terbaik dalam studi pemerintahan internasional.

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UMY Welcomes Professors from University Utara Malaysia

On November 8, 2023, two cool professors, Dr. Sakinah Muslim and Dr. Norlaila Abdullah Chik, from the School of Government at University Utara Malaysia, dropped by IGOV UMY at 2:00 PM. The IGOV crew, along with Director Rijal Ramdani, S.IP., MPA, gave them a warm welcome.

The visit was all about strengthening the bond between UMY and UUM. They chatted about student exchanges and matching study programs between the two universities, making learning even cooler. The IGOV director totally loved the idea and was all in for the collaboration.

After the serious talk, they headed to Cafe 1912 for a feast and a quick chat about Indonesian and Malaysian cultures. Good food and good vibes – the perfect way to end a visit! The professors’ visit wasn’t just about business; it was a step towards building a solid friendship between North University Malaysia and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Cheers to more collaborations and tasty conversations in the future!


Exploring Cultural Heritage: IGOV Staff and Visayas University Exchange Students

On the 14th of November 2023, three distinguished members of the IGOV staff—Nurul Izzah Aulia, Fauziah Nauri Qisty, and Annisa Nur Amalia—accompanied by two exchange students from Visayas University in the Philippines, engaged in a culturally immersive experience. Commencing from Unires Residence at 07:30 AM, the group reached the historic Prambanan Temple by 09:00 AM.

Upon procuring tickets, the participants embarked on a shuttle bus journey to Ratu Boko Temple. Here, they captured moments through photography and delved into the architectural intricacies of the site. Returning to Prambanan Temple at 10:30 AM, the IGOV staff provided insightful narratives about the historical significance of the temple, guiding the exchange students through an exploration of its rich heritage.

Following a comprehensive exploration of the Prambanan area lasting an hour and a half, the group proceeded to the lava tour location at 12:00 PM. A communal lunch, featuring Mie Ayam and Bakso, preceded the continuation of the lava tour. Prepared and equipped, the participants visit various locations surrounding the Merapi lava tour, including a museum exhibiting the impact of volcanic activity on housing, an exhibition of stones from Merapi lava, and the Merapi bunker designed to safeguard citizens from volcanic effects.

Post-lava tour, the itinerary included a thrilling jeep rafting experience on the uphill river at Kalikuning. The day concludes with a visit to KOPMER (Kopi Merapi), providing a relaxed atmosphere for socializing and savoring local cuisine served by the café.

The return journey to the campus commenced at 5:30 PM, concluding at 6:00 PM. This cultural exchange excursion served as a remarkable opportunity for mutual learning and understanding, fostering connections between the IGOV staff and Visayas University students. The day’s activities not only showcased the historical and geographical richness of the region but also contributed to the broader goal of cross-cultural engagement and appreciation.




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IGOV Exchange Students Participate in Futsal Fun at the Tuanku Fauziah Museum & Gallery

Penang, 24 October 2023. Tuanku Fauziah Museum & Gallery witnessed the joy of the Fun Futsal event which was attended by PPI USM, IISMA USM students and exchange students. This event was successfully carried out thanks to the cooperation and invitation of the Indonesian Student Association (PPI USM) who invited exchange students and IISMA students to join in the futsal match.

Even though the weather initially experienced heavy rain, the excitement of the participants continued to radiate throughout the event. The uniqueness of Fun Futsal lies in the fact that not all participants have the ability or skills to play futsal. However, the high spirit of sportsmanship allows all participants to participate without having to worry about their technical abilities. This is what makes the event called Fun Futsal, where togetherness and enthusiasm for sport take precedence over technical skills.

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IGOV Students Embark on an Exciting Exchange Program at USM, Malaysia

IGOV Students Embark on an Exciting Exchange Program at USM, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, 7 October 2023 – In a significant international academic initiative, IGOV is proud to send six students on an exciting exchange program to Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The students began their educational journey on October 7, 2023, with a major orientation program at USM, where they joined fellow exchange students from around the world.

During orientation, these students not only received a warm welcome but also participated in various activities designed to foster friendship and cultural exchange. Various groups of exchange students found this activity truly interesting and enriching, which contributed greatly to building friendships and understanding of each other.

One of the participants, Muhammad Ariq Rafi, shared his enthusiasm for the futsal activities taking place at USM. He said, “Futsal activities are not only fun but also play an important role in strengthening ties and honing our talents at USM.”

Apart from that, the students also said how they would travel to the USM campus, which is around 1.5 kilometers away. They stated their preference for using campus bus services; however, if there are not enough buses, they do not hesitate to travel on foot.

This exchange program promises an extraordinary opportunity for IGOV students to broaden their horizons, develop cross-cultural understanding, and gain a wealth of experiences that will no doubt shape their future academic and personal endeavors. The bonds they form and the skills they develop during this program will be invaluable, not only to their time at USM but also to their lifelong journey of learning and growth.


IGOV Students Depart to Maejo University, Thailand for Student Exchange

Chiang Mai, 16 October 2023 On October 16, 2023, a number of students from the IGOV Indonesia Student Exchange program departed for Maejo University in Thailand to take part in the exchange program. Their departure was marked by a journey full of experiences, which started at Changi Airport in Singapore.

Students taking part in the student exchange program at Maejo University are divided into two classes, namely the Class of 2021 and the Class of 2020. The Class of 2021 consists of two students, namely Vanesian Noor Sarmila Putri and Galuh Pratama Jati. Meanwhile, the Class of 2020 was represented by Muhammad Riau Pamungkas and Awaliya Nisa Maharani.

These students experienced a unique experience when they transited at Changi Airport in Singapore for 23 hours. In this gap, they plan to visit the Merlion Statue, one of Singapore’s famous icons. However, unfortunately, this plan had to be canceled because the Merlion statue was currently under repair.

After a short experience in Singapore, the students returned to Changi Airport to check in and wait for their next flight to Chiang Mai. Their plane is scheduled to depart at 12:00 local time and arrive at Chiang Mai Airport at 03:00 Thai time. Their arrival was greeted by a lecturer who would be their guide during the exchange program at Maejo University