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SERAH TERIMA JABATAN DIRECTUR IGOV: Rijal Ramdani, S.IP., MPA., Resmi Pimpin International Program of Government Affairs and Administration UMY

Yogyakarta, 9 November 2023 – Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (FISIPOL) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) menggelar acara serah terima jabatan Direktur International Program of Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV). Mr. Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP., yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur IGOV, secara resmi menyerahkan tongkat estafet kepemimpinan kepada penggantinya, Mr. Rijal Ramdani, S.IP., MPA. Acara serah terima jabatan ini dihadiri oleh sejumlah tokoh penting di lingkungan FISIP UMY, termasuk Dekan FISIP, Wakil Dekan I FISIP, Wakil Dekan II FISIP, dan struktural program studi Ilmu Pemerintahan.

Dalam hal ini, Mr. Sakir Ridho Wijaya menyampaikan rasa terima kasihnya atas dukungan dan kerjasama selama kepemimpinannya. Di sisi lain, Mr. Rijal Ramdani, S.IP., MPA, yang kini resmi menjabat sebagai Direktur IGOV, menyatakan komitmennya untuk melanjutkan kebijakan dan program positif yang telah diterapkan oleh pendahulunya. Ia menyampaikan niatnya untuk terus meningkatkan mutu dan relevansi program IGOV.Dekan FISIP UMY, sebagai saksi dari serah terima jabatan ini, menyampaikan harapannya agar kepemimpinan baru dapat membawa IGOV menjadi kelas internasional terbaik dalam studi pemerintahan internasional.

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IGOV Students Embark on an Exciting Exchange Program at USM, Malaysia

IGOV Students Embark on an Exciting Exchange Program at USM, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, 7 October 2023 – In a significant international academic initiative, IGOV is proud to send six students on an exciting exchange program to Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The students began their educational journey on October 7, 2023, with a major orientation program at USM, where they joined fellow exchange students from around the world.

During orientation, these students not only received a warm welcome but also participated in various activities designed to foster friendship and cultural exchange. Various groups of exchange students found this activity truly interesting and enriching, which contributed greatly to building friendships and understanding of each other.

One of the participants, Muhammad Ariq Rafi, shared his enthusiasm for the futsal activities taking place at USM. He said, “Futsal activities are not only fun but also play an important role in strengthening ties and honing our talents at USM.”

Apart from that, the students also said how they would travel to the USM campus, which is around 1.5 kilometers away. They stated their preference for using campus bus services; however, if there are not enough buses, they do not hesitate to travel on foot.

This exchange program promises an extraordinary opportunity for IGOV students to broaden their horizons, develop cross-cultural understanding, and gain a wealth of experiences that will no doubt shape their future academic and personal endeavors. The bonds they form and the skills they develop during this program will be invaluable, not only to their time at USM but also to their lifelong journey of learning and growth.


IGOV Students Depart to Maejo University, Thailand for Student Exchange

Chiang Mai, 16 October 2023 On October 16, 2023, a number of students from the IGOV Indonesia Student Exchange program departed for Maejo University in Thailand to take part in the exchange program. Their departure was marked by a journey full of experiences, which started at Changi Airport in Singapore.

Students taking part in the student exchange program at Maejo University are divided into two classes, namely the Class of 2021 and the Class of 2020. The Class of 2021 consists of two students, namely Vanesian Noor Sarmila Putri and Galuh Pratama Jati. Meanwhile, the Class of 2020 was represented by Muhammad Riau Pamungkas and Awaliya Nisa Maharani.

These students experienced a unique experience when they transited at Changi Airport in Singapore for 23 hours. In this gap, they plan to visit the Merlion Statue, one of Singapore’s famous icons. However, unfortunately, this plan had to be canceled because the Merlion statue was currently under repair.

After a short experience in Singapore, the students returned to Changi Airport to check in and wait for their next flight to Chiang Mai. Their plane is scheduled to depart at 12:00 local time and arrive at Chiang Mai Airport at 03:00 Thai time. Their arrival was greeted by a lecturer who would be their guide during the exchange program at Maejo University


UMY Extends Generous Subsidies to Student Exchange Participants, Encouraging Excellence and Responsibility

Yogyakarta, October 13, 2023 – In a heartening display of support for its students, the Yogyakarta Atma Jaya University (UMY) provided substantial subsidies to a group of accomplished student exchange participants during a ceremony held at the YATS Colony on October 13, 2023.

The event, which took place from 16.00 to 18.00, saw UMY’s Director of the International and Governmental Affairs Office (IGOV), Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S. IP., M. IP., preside over the subsidy distribution. Alongside him were two key IGOV staff members, Muhammad Naufal Rofi, S.I.P., and Fauziah Nauri Qisty, S.H., representing the academic and internationalization departments, respectively.

The subsidy recipients, comprising talented UMY students who had participated in student exchange programs, were recognized for their academic achievements and their commitment to upholding the university’s reputation. This commendable initiative aimed to support the pursuit of academic excellence while encouraging the recipients to fulfill their program responsibilities diligently.

The recipients included the following student exchange participants:

Student Exchange at Maejo University, Thailand – Class of 2021:
1. Vanesian Noor Sarmila Putri
2. Galuh Pratama Jati

Student Exchange at Maejo University, Thailand – Class of 2020:
1. Muhammad Riau Pamungkas
2. Awaliya Nisa Maharani

Student Exchange at Mahidol University, Thailand (Online):
1. Tegar Dwi Prianggoro
2. Aditya Fatmandadika Qurnain

Director Sakir Ridho Wijaya, while handing over the subsidies, offered valuable advice to the recipients. He encouraged them to continue seizing opportunities for growth, to fulfill their program obligations promptly, and to maintain the prestigious reputation of both UMY and the IGOV department.

The subsidy distribution ceremony not only underscored UMY’s commitment to supporting its students but also served as a testament to the institution’s emphasis on academic excellence and responsible conduct. It is anticipated that these subsidies will further inspire these accomplished students to excel in their academic pursuits and continue representing UMY with pride on the global stage.

ELED Students' Perception on The Use Of TikTok as Learning Media

IGOV UMY Rechieved its Achievement in The Field of Finance for the 2022/2023 Academic Year.

Yogyakarta (15/9) – The Government Science International Class Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (IP UMY) has repeatedly won academic achievements from both lecturers as teaching staff and students. This time IGOV UMY also demonstrated its achievements in the financial sector again by winning Compliance in Submitting Accountability Reports (LPJ) for Activities for the 2022/2023 Academic Year.

The determination of the championship in the administrative field was conveyed during the university level Annual Work Meeting (RKT) which was held on Monday (28/8). UMY IP Administration succeeded in achieving first place, beating other study programs within UMY. The championship level given aims to give appreciation to study programs that have the best administrative performance.

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Amanda Aspasia Dilla’s Inspirational Exchange Student Journey at USM Malaysia

Amanda Aspasia Dilla, anggota angkatan 2022 memulai program pertukaran pelajar transformatif ke Malaysia, khususnya di Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Motivasinya dalam upaya ini berakar pada keinginan untuk terhubung dengan beragam budaya dan meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasinya. Tujuan utama Amanda adalah merasakan kehidupan di luar negeri, mendapatkan wawasan tentang berbagai norma sosial, dan mengamati sistem pendidikan terkemuka di Malaysia. Meskipun awalnya ada kendala bahasa, tekad Amanda dan pendekatan proaktif terhadap akademisi memungkinkannya mengatasi tantangan dan memperoleh keterampilan lintas budaya yang sangat berharga, menyoroti pertumbuhan pribadi yang dapat ditawarkan oleh program pertukaran pelajar internasional.

Pengalaman pertukaran Amanda tidak hanya memperluas wawasannya tetapi juga memperkaya keahliannya. Dia memperoleh keterampilan komunikasi lintas budaya yang berharga, kemampuan beradaptasi, dan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang sistem pendidikan internasional. Perjalanannya menjadi bukti kekuatan transformatif dari program pertukaran pelajar internasional dan pertumbuhan pribadi luar biasa yang dapat dicapai melalui pengalaman tersebut.


The English Booster program assists students in enhancing their English language proficiency.

English Booster is a program that improves IGOV students’ English skills as the language used in learning and lecturing. The focus of English Booster activities includes English language training in the English village of Pare for one month, off-campus and on-campus activities with foreign students, and English language course curriculum specifications according to the needs of IGOV students. GOV English Booster is a special facility for IGOV students which can help students develop various English language skills intensively and accompanied by various professional teachers.

This year, IGOV has sent 8 students from the class of 2022 to deepen their English language skills at the Daffodils Language Development Institute. During one month they had many memorable learning experiences. One of the students, Reyga said “what made me interested in this program was because I saw my English which was not good before joining it and now I feel the change immediately starting from the past”. Apart from that, other students said that they had gained a lot of experience and new relationships that supported each other in improving their English skills.

They said that this was a useful experience especially because it encouraged them to speak English there. a learning environment that is conducive to learning, welcoming students of all levels, whether beginners, intermediate or advanced students. The availability of resources and facilities makes it easier to explore and improve English language skills. Apart from that, students appreciate the kind and supportive nature of tutors which makes the learning process enjoyable. Camp Daffodil stands out as an excellent place to learn English, as it emphasizes the practical application of the language throughout the program.


UMY Government Science Technical Meeting for Academic Year 2022/2023

The UMY Government Science Technical Meeting for Academic Year 2022/2023 was held on September 11, 2023, from 08.00 to 12.00. The meeting was organized by the Government Science Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). The main agenda of the meeting was to present the IGOV study program to new students of the government science study program.

The meeting was attended by Fauziah Nauri Qisty, S.H. and Nurul Izzah Aulia, who presented the various benefits and advantages that students will get at IGOV. They were assisted by Strya Dhillan Bagaskara, an IGOV student from the class of 2020. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session where students were given the opportunity to ask up to 3 questions to find out more about the IGOV program.

The first participant asked about the double degree program which was open to IGOV students. The second participant asked about the IGOV program that had been implemented for IGOV students. The third participant asked about internationalization opportunities that were available only at IGOV. The activities went lively and full of enthusiasm.

IGOV is an international program that focuses on the knowledge areas of the social sciences and humanities, economics, politics, communication and information technologies, engineering, as well as public policy and management. The program offers various benefits and advantages to students, including a double degree program, internationalization opportunities, and a comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for a career in government and public service.

Overall, the UMY Government Science Technical Meeting for Academic Year 2022/2023 was a success, and the IGOV program was well-received by the new students of the government science study program.

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Exploring the Focus Areas of IGOV

The International Program of Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV) focuses on various areas of study related to governance, politics, and public policy. Some of the areas of focus at IGOV include electoral studies, social and political governance, e-government, political communication and governance, tourism governance, disaster risk management, and public sector management, among others. The institute aims to provide a platform for researchers and scholars to explore and analyze various aspects of governance and public policy, with the goal of contributing to the development of effective and sustainable governance systems.

One of the key areas of focus at IGOV is electoral studies. This area of study involves analyzing various aspects of the electoral process, including voter behavior, election administration, and the impact of electoral systems on political outcomes. Through research and analysis, scholars at IGOV aim to identify ways to improve the electoral process and promote free and fair elections.

Another area of focus at IGOV is disaster risk management. This area of study involves analyzing the various factors that contribute to the occurrence and impact of disasters, as well as developing strategies to mitigate their effects. Through research and analysis, scholars at IGOV aim to identify effective disaster risk management strategies that can be implemented at the local, national, and international levels to reduce the impact of disasters on communities and societies.