Fabulous! 6 IGOV Students Receive Certificate of Public Affairs Analyst BNSP

Yogyakarta (30/9) – Six students of the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY have successfully passed and are competent in the Public Affairs Analyst certification scheme. This Competency Certification is intended to test the feasibility of whether IGOV students are eligible to become a Public Relationship or not. The urgency of this scheme is increasing, it can increase personal competitiveness because it becomes a supporting factor as an added value for prospective graduates when looking for work and as an illustration of standardized and measurable technical abilities.

The submission of the Public Affairs Analyst competency certificate was held face-to-face in the AR Main Meeting Room. Fachrudin B Lt. 5 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta on Friday, September 30, 2022. 6 IGOV UMY students were successfully declared competent in this Public Affairs Analyst scheme, namely Awang Rajaprakoso Purnomo, Anisya Yuli Marzalia, Annisa Jasmine Hana Cholida, Moch. Noerizza Triananta, Muhammad Hagi Rahmansyah, and Raihan Dwipriandi. With these activities, students can be helped to compete when they graduate and be better prepared to compete

“With the facilities provided by IGOV for students to take Competency Certification in the Public Affairs Analyst scheme, it really helps me as a student so that I become more ready to compete in the world of work and don’t have to bother to spend money on training activities or competency exams,” said Moch. Noerizza Triananta, one of the IGOV students who was declared competent

The handover of this certificate was held under the auspices of the Professional Certification Institute of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (LSP UMY) an institution that accommodates competency certification within UMY. The implementation of competency certification in the Public Affairs Analyst scheme from the authority of LSP UMY as a certification body that is officially indexed by the central National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP). Through his success in being declared competent and qualified to become an assessor in the Public Policy Occupational Certification Scheme and the Community Empowerment Facilitator Certification Scheme, it is hoped that UMY IP Lecturers can carry out their duties with trust to manifest the improvement of the competence of future generations. (ARP)

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