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Fantastic: 6 Students of Government studies UMY Made it into PIMNAS

Thursday (30/09/2021), Alhamdulillah 6 Students of Government Science (IP) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) successfully passed the 34th PIMNAS. The six students were divided into 2 different PKM teams. The PKM-RSH team consists of: Vicky Alfina P, M. Noor Cahyadi, Ahmad Syafiqurrahman, M. Miftahul Ahsan, and Nita Aribah Hanif. The next PKM-PI Team is Galih Prasongko.
UMY’s Government Science Study Program is committed to improving student competence and achievement through PKM to lead students to reach the level of creativity and innovation enlightenment based on mastery of science and technology as well as high faith. “In order to prepare themselves to become intellectual leaders, independent and wise entrepreneurs, students are given the opportunity to implement abilities, skills, attitudes, responsibilities, build teamwork and develop independence through creative activities in the field of science they are engaged in,” said Tunjung Sulaksono as the Chairperson. UMY Government Science Study Program.
Galih Prasongko, a 2019 IP student explained that the PKM he took in this PIMNAS. “Initially it came from the village assisted by UKM Scouts to coincide in Jatimulyo Village, Girimulyo District, Kulonprogo Regency which has SMEs for processing cocoa pods. Now our PKM team is here because the village is constrained by production equipment and requires a longer time. What we have designed, Alhamdulillah, production has increased.” he said.
“This PKM team came from a discussion with friends. After that, we submitted a proposal according to the order of the process and so on. Thank God the theme we brought about collaborative governance in handling Covid-19 managed to pass to PIMNAS.” said Vicky Alfina as the PKM-RSH Team Leader.
The new policy of the Minister of Education and Culture contained in Kepmendikbud No 754/P/2020 concerning 8 Key Performance Indicators (IKU) which became the basis for the transformation of higher education in Indonesia. In the 8 KPIs, the assessment is based on several things and those that are directly related to students are university graduates getting decent jobs and students getting experience outside of campus. This is in accordance with this student creativity program.
Sakir Ridho Wijaya as PIC of PKM Government Science Study Program UMY added that UMY Government Science Study Program always facilitates students to improve competence and achievement through off-campus lecture activities. In addition, students are assisted in the intensive PKM proposal preparation process to PIMNAS preparation. “The UMY IP Study Program always facilitates students to improve their achievements through off-campus activities. It also aims to improve the competence of graduates so that they are competitive and get decent jobs.” he said. (AD)

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Link 1: https://jogja.tribunnews.com/2021/09/30/sejumlah-6-mahasiswa-ilmu-pemerintahan-umy-lolos-pimnas-ke-34
Link 2: https://www.krjogja.com/berita-lokal/diy/yogyakarta/buat-inovasi-bantu-warga-6-mahasiswa-ip-umy-lolos-pimnas/
Link 3: https://www.wartajogja.id/2021/09/membanggakan-6-mahasiswa-ilmu.html
Link 4 :https://jogjapolitan.harianjogja.com/read/2021/09/30/510/1084370/mahasiswa-ilmu-governmental-umy-lolos-ke-pimnas-2021

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