WhatsApp Image 2021-10-06 at 21.28.21

Held a Socialization with the Student’s Parents, The IGOV Team of UMY Received Positive Responses

Yogyakarta – 6/10, the IGOV UMY Team held an online meeting and socialization via Zoom Meeting with the parents of the IGOV UMY students to discuss the programs that have been planned in the future.

The Director of IGOV UMY,  Sakir Ridho Wijaya S.IP,. M.IP, opened the meeting and give a comprehensive presentation about materials and activities related to the IGOV’s future programs.
The purpose of this meeting between parents and students was to get to know each other more closely, also through this meeting, parents would gain an understanding of the dynamics of the lectures and classes. With this event, parents hopefully can grasp the sense that their children have a support system from IGOV to navigate their better future.
Adibah Dhivani Gusmi, as one of the IGOV Team members said, “This parent meeting activity is very important because it indirectly formed an interactive relationship between parents, students, and IGOV. This event is also a form of conveying aspirations from parents to IGOV UMY,”.
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