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How to Paid Student Academic Payment

Yogyakarta (9/2) – the payment time of the semester money is already willing to close, for friends who have not paid are expected to pay before the specified time of February 12, 2022. For those of you who are still confused about how to pay the semester money following a description of how to pay.
1. BMT
a. Download the app “BMT UMY MOBILE” at Playstore. Then install
b. Select “UMY Academic Payments”
c. Select “Payment product” (spp/dpp), and then enter NIMmahasiswa. then click “check bill”
d. Details of the bill and a list of bills will appear. Then select “transfer” then click “Yes, Pay with Transfer”.
e. Billing information will appear, and then click BSI for VA creation
f. Copy/record your Virtual Account Number, then pay on the network (ATM, Mobile banking, internet banking, SMS banking, and Teller) all Banks in Indonesia
PLEASE NOTE, the validity period of the Virtual Account number is 3 days from creation
2. Through BSI MOBILE
a. BSI Mobile Logo-in
b. Select the pay menu
c. Select academic
d. Select an academic name: (type) 9534 – SPP BMT UMYY
e. Input No VA
f. Confirm the amount of payment
3. Through BSI ATM
a. Enter ATM Card
b. Enter ATM PIN
c. Select academic menu
d. Input the clearing code (9534 + No VA)
e. Confirm the amount of payment
4. Through Teller BSI
a. Partners come to the teller to BSI
b. Partners mention Virtual Account Number: 9009534 + No VA
c. Partner hands money to teller
d. Future partners present proof of deposit
e. Save proof of deposit
a. Enter ATM cards and PIN
b. Select more transactions
c. Select transfer menu
d. Select the interbank transfer menu
e. Enter the bank passcode; 4519009534 + No VA
f. Nominal input of payment
g. Confirm by pressing Yes
6. Other Mobile Banking
a. Select the Online transfer menu to another bank
b. Choose to Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)
c. Enter the payment code with the option:
d. For SPP and DPP UMY: 9009534 + No VA
e. Nominal input of payment
f. Continue the transaction according to the procedure of each bank
7. Through another bank teller
a. Come to the nearest bank
b. Tell teller “want to pay for college”
c. Partners mention NIM or Virtual Account number: 45190095344 + No VA
d. The partner hands over the money to be transferred to the teller
e. Save proof of deposit
Let’s get paid the semester money! (ARP)
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