
IGOV Hello Research Held Mendeley Class with IGOVers!

Yogyakarta (21/10) – IGOV Hello Research is a scientific writing training and mentoring program designed to increase the capacity of IGOV students in scientific writing procedures and ethics. IGOV Hello Research continues to focus on multidisciplinary aspects in the design of scientific writing thinking methods. IGOV students are not only limited to
studying government science and public administration but can utilize various other fields of study collaboratively. The main activities in IGOV Hello Research are participating in scientific writing competitions, joining professional research projects as research assistants, independent research on journal articles and books, and various activities related to the world of scientific research. The purpose of IGOV Hello Research is to create a professional profile of IGOV graduates who are job-oriented such as academics, lecturers, and researchers.

One of the activities recently carried out by IGOV Hello Research is the Mendeley Class. This activity was held on Friday, October 21, 2022, at Tutorial Room 3, Lt. 3 Postgraduate Building. In the activity of one of the IGOV Hello Research members, Salsa Della Guitara who is also a student of IGOV batch 2021, became their tutor in using Mendeley. In addition, he also explained that this activity was held to help new students.

“That’s right, Mas, this activity aims to help new IGOV UMY Batch 2022 students in doing their assignments which one of the conditions in their assignment is required to use Mendeley. In addition, this activity aims to promote the IGOV Hello Research program so that IGOVers batch 2022 are interested in participating in this program.” Salsa said. (ARP)

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