
IGOV Provides Subsidies to Students Who joined Student Exchange as a Form of Support for Positive Activities to Their Students

Yogyakarta (12/3) – International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) Monitoring and Evaluation of IGOV Student Exchange Program for the Academic Year 2021/2022 on March 11, 2022, this event took place offline at Yats Colony Hotel, Yogyakarta.
At the event, students from IGOV UMY were given subsidies as a form that IGOV UMY supports its students if it is a positive activity. In addition, students who participate in student exchange activities tell how the experience or obstacles of following the program, which is expected in the future can be improved.
Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP, M.IP, Director of IGOV UMY said that this Student Exchange Program is not only to cancel its obligations but, the things learned when student exchange can be implemented or shared with its friends. In addition, Mas Sakir his greeting explained that students who have participated in student exchange are required to participate in Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) activities as a form of implementation of knowledge that has been obtained.

Furthermore, IGOV UMY also asks for advice from its students who participate in the event on how the performance, the program will be realized, or how the student exchange program in the future. The goal is that the performance of UMY IGOV can be better and know what must be improved to improve service to its students.
This event concluded the discussion of the continuation of how the IGOV Students Community (IGSC) has long dimmed, some students expressed the opinion that IGSC should be run again because of the many benefits and positive activities that can be done when IGSC runs again. (ARP)

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