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IGOV UMY Has Just Held a Selection for the New International Students

Yogyakarta (17/12) – the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) has just held a new student selection activity for international students who register at IGOV UMY. The activity was held on Wednesday (14/12) via Zoom Meetings. The selection was made by the Head of the UMY Government Science Study Program, Dr. Tunjung Sulaksono, M.Sc., and Adibah Dhivani Gusmi, S.IP., as International Mobility and Cooperation IGOV UMY.

IGOV UMY is one of the international programs at UMY which routinely gets applicants from international students to continue their studies. This is also in line with the mission of IGOV UMY in providing adequate environmental facilities to help students improve their English skills and courage. In addition, the presence of international students can broaden insight and knowledge.

On this occasion, IGOV UMY selected a student from Gambia, Africa. Previously, IGOV UMY also had an international student from Gambia, Modou Lamin Juwara, a student of IGOV UMY Batch 2020. It is hoped that these new student candidates will be able to meet the required qualifications and be serious about participating. Learning Activities.

“We hope that prospective international students who come to IGOV UMY can uphold their trust in gaining knowledge and their initial goal is to continue their studies at IGOV UMY,” said Mba Adibah. (ARP)

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