Is it True, Studying at IGOV UMY Must be Able to Use English?

Yogyakarta (10/8) – Surely you have heard the words “if you want to enter an international class major, you must be able to speak English” or “if you want to enter IGOV UMY” you must be able to speak English. Is that true? Let’s look at the following information.

1. Why is English important in Government?
English in Government is very useful for initial capital to go to a disruptive era, freedom, and openness in which this era will continue to develop. In addition, Indonesia is in the process of implementing Smart Governance to improve efficient services.

2. Does IGOV have English courses?
Of course! You will get English courses until semester 6, which each semester focuses on learning a certain aspect.

3. Is Government related to English?
Because English in Government is useful in providing quality public services, namely having the skills to face the challenges of Global Megatrends 2045. These challenges include demographic issues, urbanization, international trade, and the emergence of the middle-class Emerging Market Economies (MEMEs) in Asia and Latin America.

Basically, for now, English is very important to prepare for a world-class government. Therefore, IGOV UMY is here to prepare you as world-class bureaucrats! (ARP)

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