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Learn English Everywhere and Anywhere You Want

Yogyakarta (25/4) – International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) requires students to use English in course activities, assignments, and thesis. Many activities can be done to learn and develop English language skills such as taking private classes, listening to music, listening to music, etc. At this time IGOV wants to provide a podcast reference for you to listen to so that you can hone your English skills and learn English. The podcasts IGOV would like to recommend for you are:
All ears english
All Ears English Podcast provides English lessons for intermediate to advanced levels. This podcast is suitable for those of you who want to learn English with an American accent. The topics that are often brought up in this podcast are not too heavy, namely around tips on speaking English for everyday life.
Luke’s English Podcast
Luke’s English Podcast was created by Luke Thompson, an English teacher from London who is also a stand-up comedian. This podcast is quite long, which is around 60-100 minutes. By presenting speakers in each episode, this podcast feels very entertaining and a lot of knowledge can be taken.
espresso English podcast
Espresso English Podcast is a short podcast that discusses grammar, vocabulary, idioms, and many other topics. This podcast is perfect for those of you who want to learn English grammar but in a way that isn’t boring.
after you learn English from the podcast, you can practice with your friends at IGOV, if you feel your English is still not that good enough, at IGOV we have English Booster 101 to help improve your English skill. (ARP)

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