Magang Studi Independen Bersertifikat Kemendikbud Program was passed by two IGOV UMY students. 

Yogyakarta (23/2) Magang Studi Independen Bersertifikat (MSIB) is a program created by the Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Ditjen Dikti) Kemendikbudristek with the aim of providing space for students to gain experience in knowing the professional world and creating a professional workforce. Students who wish to graduate are provided with a place to enter the world of their careers, where soft skill development programs are given by the career center. This program can also replace as many as 20 credits of students who take part in this program.

Awang Rajaprakoso Purnomo and Luthfiyyah Putri Rahmaningrum are IGOV UMY students in the class of 2020 who have successfully passed the MSIB program. Awang and Lutfi managed to pass PT. Erajaya Swasembada as Social Media Intern and Solo Technopark as Strategic Event and Campaign Officer. Awang said that this was a golden opportunity because he could carry out an internship with other participants from various well-known campuses in Indonesia. “It’s really exciting, bro, because the participants are from different campuses and can open new perspectives,” said Awang.


Entering the Collaboration Era, IGOV UMY visited Narasi.Tv

Yogyakarta (22/12) – Collaboration across government agencies and industry plays an important role in improving the quality of education graduates in the digital era. Therefore, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) has just conducted a visit to Narasi.TV which was held on Wednesday (21/12) at Intiland Tower, Jakarta.


This activity is an opportunity to open cross-agency collaboration in improving the quality of graduates which is needed in the current era, the era of collaboration.

“This visit is an opportunity to open collaboration in improving the quality of IGOV UMY students in preparing quality graduates,” said Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP., as the Director of IGOV UMY


Through this, Narasi. Tv represented by Dahlia Citra Buana (Chief of Ecosystem), Ryggie Phillip (Strategic Partnership), Yuanita Theodora (UP of Business), Iqbal Tawakal (Lead Partnership), and, Ghinar Pranogo (Head sales) welcomed both the intent and purpose to improve collaborative development of student competencies.

Some of the discussions on this visit included opportunities for collaboration in developing student competence, discussion of IGOV UMY’s social media as media branding, and collaboration in creating events. Furthermore, IGOV UMY and Narasi will provide Custom Classes for IGOV UMY students in developing competencies in how to manage social media, design social media & website displays, content creation, events, etc.

In addition, Citra said that she was very happy to collaborate and was waiting for follow-ups from this visit. “I am very happy to meet friends from college because Narasi is built from the pillars of collaboration and the most important pillar of collaboration is with friends from college” (ARP)


Advancing Villages Through Higher Education, IGOV UMY visited Kemendesa PDTT

Yogyakarta (21/12) – The Tridharma of Higher Education (PT), which contains research, service, and teaching, needs to be ongoing to improve the academic climate on campus. One of the steps to make the Tridharma activities successful is to carry out collaboration and cooperation with other parties, be it fellow PTs, the Business World and the Industrial World (DUDI), as well as the government.

Kemendesa PDTT

To realize the Tridharma that is sustainable, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) visited the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration. Apart from strengthening friendship and brotherhood, this activity is expected to widen opportunities for collaboration with the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY) in this matter through IGOV UMY.


The visit was carried out on Tuesday (20/12) at Building A of the Ministry of Health, Jakarta. Some of the discussions this time included the proposal for collaboration between UMY and the Kemendesa PDTT in the PERTIDES program through the signing of an MoU, Opportunities for IGOV UMY students to be able to do internships at the Kemendesa PDTT through the Study Program, and discussion regarding the importance of BUMDes managers which is an opportunity for IGOV UMY students.

The collaboration steps above need to be followed up immediately at the University level so that the agreements that are made can be through legal steps. (ARP)