
IGOV UMY Goes to SMA N 1 Bambanglipuro

Yogyakarta (2/1) Education must be introduced to the nation’s generation at a young age. One that has an obligation to introduce itself to students is higher education, where, with accurate information about tertiary institutions, students will get quality educational services. This is one way to open the horizons of thinking for the youth of this nation, because education is very important for the life of the nation and state. none other than the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY), which has an obligation to introduce itself to all students in Indonesia.


IGOV UMY is represented by Fadhilla Septiyaning, IGOV student class of 2020. Introducing IGOV UMY through a campus promotion at SMA N-1 Bambanglipuro in collaboration with Admission The purpose of this program is to provide knowledge to students about the advantages of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University and the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration and to provide an overview of quality PTS.


The responses were varied. Students at SMA N 1 Bambanglipuro asked about partner campuses for student exchange destinations, living costs, and cultural differences between Indonesia and student exchange destination countries. As Fadhilla Septyaning said, “The students enthusiastically listened to my explanation; some of them asked about the destination countries for student exchanges, how much it costs to live abroad, and how the culture is different from Indonesia.” (FLT)

lkpp igov

Procurement Transformation for Prosperity, IGOV UMY Invites the Head of LKPP RI at the Public Lecture Event

Yogyakarta (28/12) – The International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY), again held a public lecture entitled “Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintahan”

The activity was held on Wednesday (28/12) and took place in the Main Meeting Room, Ar. Fachrudin A Building , UMY. The activity which was held offline invited 2 speakers, Kepala Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) Dr. H. Hendrar Prihadi, S.E., M.M, and Kepala Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Ir. Hardi Afriansyah, M.Si.


Hendrar, who is also the former mayor of Semarang for the period 17 February 2016 – 10 October 2022, presented material on “Transformasi Pengadaan Untuk Kesejahteraan”. he explained that Indonesia’s state procurement focuses on the direction of the president of the Republic of Indonesia which uses goods from within the country, increases the portion of MSMEs and ensures transparency and efficiency in the use of government spending.

Furthermore, the material delivery activity was delivered by Hardi regarding “Tata Kelola Pengadaan B/J Sesuai Dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 16 Tahun 2018 Dan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 12 Tahun 2021”


This Public Lecture is certainly a great opportunity for students to learn directly from experts regarding Government Procurement of Goods and Services. This was revealed by Awang Rajaprakoso Purnomo as an IGOV UMY student.

“This Public Lecture is a big opportunity for us because IGOV directly invites the head of LKPP to provide practical insight and knowledge about PBJ in Government,” he said. (ARP


Should Youth Participate in Public Policy Making?

Yogyakarta (26/12) – Youth is Indonesian citizens who are entering an important period of growth and development aged 16 to.d. 30 years (Ps 1 number 1 UU 40/2009). Based on the results of the 2019 National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas), the estimated number of youth is 64.19 million people, equivalent to a quarter of Indonesia’s total population. One of the roles of youth is the Agent of Change, as a driving force for a better change for themselves and the environment. To carry out this function, one of the activities that can be carried out is to participate in making public policies.

The existence of youth-based public policies can reduce the gap between youth and society, through the involvement of youth in every aspect of social life. Youth who can reach their potential and are active in society can contribute to the success of world goals, one of which is the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, youth needs to participate in making public policies and politics.

However, not to prioritize personal interests in wealth and throne but as an Agent of Change in bringing real societal interests. This was also conveyed by journalist and presenter Najwa Shihab who was interviewed by Kompas.com in the Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU) New Student Orientation (OMB) series.

“So it is important to continue to involve young people in various important decisions and matters in this country, including political matters which solely, in my opinion, should not be seen as elite contestation. But politics as an everyday matter is indeed important for formulating various public policies. (ARP)




Entering the Collaboration Era, IGOV UMY visited Narasi.Tv

Yogyakarta (22/12) – Collaboration across government agencies and industry plays an important role in improving the quality of education graduates in the digital era. Therefore, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) has just conducted a visit to Narasi.TV which was held on Wednesday (21/12) at Intiland Tower, Jakarta.


This activity is an opportunity to open cross-agency collaboration in improving the quality of graduates which is needed in the current era, the era of collaboration.

“This visit is an opportunity to open collaboration in improving the quality of IGOV UMY students in preparing quality graduates,” said Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP., as the Director of IGOV UMY


Through this, Narasi. Tv represented by Dahlia Citra Buana (Chief of Ecosystem), Ryggie Phillip (Strategic Partnership), Yuanita Theodora (UP of Business), Iqbal Tawakal (Lead Partnership), and, Ghinar Pranogo (Head sales) welcomed both the intent and purpose to improve collaborative development of student competencies.

Some of the discussions on this visit included opportunities for collaboration in developing student competence, discussion of IGOV UMY’s social media as media branding, and collaboration in creating events. Furthermore, IGOV UMY and Narasi will provide Custom Classes for IGOV UMY students in developing competencies in how to manage social media, design social media & website displays, content creation, events, etc.

In addition, Citra said that she was very happy to collaborate and was waiting for follow-ups from this visit. “I am very happy to meet friends from college because Narasi is built from the pillars of collaboration and the most important pillar of collaboration is with friends from college” (ARP)


Advancing Villages Through Higher Education, IGOV UMY visited Kemendesa PDTT

Yogyakarta (21/12) – The Tridharma of Higher Education (PT), which contains research, service, and teaching, needs to be ongoing to improve the academic climate on campus. One of the steps to make the Tridharma activities successful is to carry out collaboration and cooperation with other parties, be it fellow PTs, the Business World and the Industrial World (DUDI), as well as the government.

Kemendesa PDTT

To realize the Tridharma that is sustainable, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) visited the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration. Apart from strengthening friendship and brotherhood, this activity is expected to widen opportunities for collaboration with the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY) in this matter through IGOV UMY.


The visit was carried out on Tuesday (20/12) at Building A of the Ministry of Health, Jakarta. Some of the discussions this time included the proposal for collaboration between UMY and the Kemendesa PDTT in the PERTIDES program through the signing of an MoU, Opportunities for IGOV UMY students to be able to do internships at the Kemendesa PDTT through the Study Program, and discussion regarding the importance of BUMDes managers which is an opportunity for IGOV UMY students.

The collaboration steps above need to be followed up immediately at the University level so that the agreements that are made can be through legal steps. (ARP)


To Open Up New Collaboration Opportunities, IGOV UMY visited PMO Kedaireka

Yogyakarta (20/12) – To increase partners for quality development, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) has just conducted a visit to PMO Kedaireka Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. The activity was held on Tuesday (20/12) at Building D of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jakarta. This visit activity was attended by the management of IGOV UMY and Andi In’amul Hasan from PMO Kedaireka.

In this activity, IGOV UMY held an audience to establish cooperation between Kedaireka PMO and IGOV UMY with several discussions which included opportunities for IGOV UMY students to be able to do internships at Kedaireka PMO, student participation in lecturer activities that passed the Matching Fund program, and it would make it easier for IGOV UMY if want to request the sources from PMO Kedaireka.


“For now, students who are doing internships at our place come from the Independent Study Internship Program (MSIB) but it is possible that IGOV UMY can collaborate to send their students to do internships at Kedaireka,” Andi said.

It is hoped that this visit will open up new opportunities for collaboration with Kedaireka to benefit both students and lecturers by providing useful programs.

“The visit aims to establish cooperation with PMO Kedaireka to open other doors of collaboration which will be beneficial for students and lecturers,” said Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP., as the director of IGOV UMY. (ARP)


Introduce the Beauty of Yogyakarta, Cultural Exchange visited Beach at Gunungkidul

Yogyakarta (15/12) – Increasing cultural information between countries is important in today’s global era where social interaction is becoming increasingly global in all aspects. Realizing the importance of this, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) conducted a Cultural Exchange program with the IGOV’s international students.

In general, the purpose of this activity is to increase collaboration and interaction between students and more than that to introduce each other to the culture of each country and university. This year, activities are focused on introducing culture in Indonesia by making several visits to several cultural sites and tourist attractions in Yogyakarta.

The second day of Cultural Exchange activities was held on Thursday (15/12). This activity involved 6 students consisting of 2 IGOV students who became buddies and 4 international students. Besides knowing Indonesia’s historical heritage, especially Yogyakarta at this cultural exchange they visit one of the beaches in Gunungkidul which can introduce the natural beauty of Indonesia and get to know tourist attractions in Yogyakarta.

“I think people must visit Indonesia and enjoy tourist attractions that present the beauty of Indonesia” Said Nakulah one of the international students

In general, the second day of Cultural Exchange activities ran smoothly and was able to provide and introduce the beauty of Indonesia. Meanwhile, from an academic point of view, this activity was able to strengthen cooperation between universities from Thailand and Indonesia to produce quality collaborative works for the future. (ARP)


In order to unite the IGOV UMY students, IGSC held a Sports Activity

Yogyakarta (14/12) – In this era everything human needs are getting easier, for example, when you have to go to a place, you don’t need to walk, but it has been made easier with cars and motorbikes. When you want to eat, but there is no food, just use your smartphone and open the food delivery service application. This convenience is none other because technology is increasingly progressing. The presence of technology that makes everything easier also affects our lifestyle to be lazy to move. Of course, this will greatly affect the health of our bodies. Without realizing it, our body’s resistance will decrease if it is not balanced with exercise, and in the end, we are susceptible to various kinds of diseases.

Therefore, students of the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) through the International Government Student Community (IGSC) held a sporting event which was held on Monday (12/12) that took place at GOR Absolute, Gamping. In this activity, they did Badminton and attended by IGOV UMY students batch 2021 and 2022 also the exchange students from Maejo University.

This activity, besides maintaining health which as a student is full of activities that just sitting and listening to the explanation from the lecturer, this activity was initiated in the hope to improve the chemistry and togetherness among the IGOV Students.

“With this activity, we hope that new IGOV UMY students (batch 2022) can maintain their togetherness and eliminate the barriers between seniors and juniors that have been attached to life in college,” said Gumesa Rahma Jati, as IGOV Student Batch 2021. (ARP)

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Preparing Students for Student Exchange to Thailand, IGOV UMY Holds a Sharing Session with the Head of IGSC

Yogyakarta (10/12) – To socialize on what needs to be prepared before the exchange to Thailand and after arriving in Thailand, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta invited Moch Noerizza Triananta who was conducting a student exchange to Khon Kaen University, Thailand to share his experiences

The activity was held on Thursday (8/12) via Zoom Meetings and was attended by batch 2020 IGOV UMY students who were preparing for a Student Exchange to University Maejo, Thailand. On this occasion, Rizza shared tips starting from making visas until taking care of administration at the immigration office in Khon Kaen. In addition, he also shared some regulations that must be respected in Thailand.

“There are several regulations that are very different from Indonesia, such as talking bad about the Thai monarchy or smoking in public places,” said Rizza

Apart from that, he also gave some tips & tricks to survive and expand relationships in Thailand which is very important for newcomers or students who want to study in Thailand.

“As an exchange student expanding relations is of course very important, therefore you can join student associations in Thailand such as Permitha.cmu namely, student associations in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Apart from that, to save your expenses don’t shop for your needs at supermarts like Seven-Eleven” Rizza said

With this activity, it is hoped that IGOV UMY students who wish to do a Student Exchange to Thailand will get the necessary information so that student exchange activities can run smoothly.(ARP)


Felicidades! One of the IGOV Student Became the Chairman of the KOMAP UMY

Yogyakarta (9/12) – Government Science Student Corps (KOMAP) held an offline conoration on Wednesday (7/12). This conoration was held in the Postgraduate Seminar Room at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and conorated by the Head of the UMY Government Science Study Program (Prodi IP), Dr. Tunjung Sulaksono, S.IP., M.Si.


On this occasion, Mr. Tunjung appreciated the hard work of the new management who had struggled from the selection process to being officially sworn in today. Not forgetting, he also expressed his gratitude to the previous period of UMY’s KOMAP management who had contributed to helping the UMY IP Study Program to become better.

However, something was interesting about the conoration of KOMAP 2022/2023, the inauguration of a new chairperson came from the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV) UMY, Satrya Dhillan Bagaskara, one of the batch 2020 students.

The student who is often called Dhillan has been a member of KOMAP UMY since semester 1 and has made many contributions to advancing KOMAP UMY such as becoming a member of the advocacy study division in the 2020/2021 period followed by becoming the head of the advocacy study division in the 2021/2022 period and taking part in in the event division for Masa Taaruf IP UMY.


Of course, this achievement deserves to be appreciated apart from developing potential and advancing KOMAP UMY it can bring a good image of IGOV UMY in eliminating exclusivity that is often seen by other students.

“I hope that other IGOV UMY friends can take part in maintaining the good name of IGOV UMY by making achievements starting from the campus environment”

Apart from that, this shows that UMY IGOV students have contributed to making achievements, not only on the international stage but in small things like in the campus environment. (ARP)