WhatsApp Image 2022-07-12 at 2.17.05 PM

Technical Meeting 3rd IGOPSS: The Participant are can’t wait for the program to start

Yogyakarta (12/7) – 3rd International Government and Politics Summer School (3rd IGOPSS) is an annual program held by the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) with the theme Collaborative Governance: Preparing and Responding the Open Government Management where 3rd IGOPSS invites students all around the world to join a couple-week program to deeply understand Indonesian governance as well as a cultural and social system.

On Tuesday, 12 July 2022 3rd IGOPSS held a virtual Technical Meeting via Zoom Meetings to explain the 3rd IGOPSS event which will take place on July 14-21, 2022. This event was hosted by Adibah Dhivani Gusmi, S.IP., as coordinator and 5 buddies who will accompany the participants during this program are Fadhilla Septiyaning, Danny Rizky Ramadhan, Salsa Latsica Dewi, Satrya Dhillan Bagaskara and Dian Aurelia. At the technical meeting, Mba Adibah and Buddies explained the series of events during the program and also introduced each participant and the committee who helped this program run.

In addition, the participants were very enthusiastic about participating in this program as evidenced by the statement during the introductory session that they were very impatient to learn about the differences in government in Indonesia as well as the cultural differences between Yogyakarta and their country of origin.

Mba Adibah as the coordinator of this event stated that she hoped this event would run smoothly and leave a good impression on the participants. “I hope that the 3rd IGOPSS event can leave a good impression on the participants and the committee who attend the event. In addition, participants can know Indonesian Governance”

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