Important Things IGOVers Often Forget

These are trivial things, but we often must remember if we do them immediately. If we forget, we will usually regret it. What do we often forget?

  1. Pray before studying
    So that it is smooth and easy to study, remember to pray before starting to learn, guys!
  2. Absent after class in MyKlass
    After the class finishes, we usually return home immediately and forget that the absence in MyKlass has yet to be assigned.
  3. Forget to click the ‘Submit’ assignment in MyKlass
    Sometimes, when too excited to submit assignments, we collect the task and forget to click ‘Submit.’
  4. Forget to prepare Student Exchange registration.
    The students’ Exchange program has many requirements for the applicant. It is better if these requirements are paid in installments from now on so that all the conditions have been collected at the end of the day.

Do you relate to what MinGov said?
But if you need to remember number 4, it’s danger!

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