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Interview for Student Exchange to Maejo University

As the departure date approaches, anticipation is rising for three enthusiastic IGOV (International Government Studies) students who prepare for a transformative student exchange experience at Maejo University, Thailand. As an important step to ensure a successful trip, the three of them underwent a thorough interview on Monday, 21 August 2023. Vanes (IGOV Class 2021), Anissa (IGOV Class 2020), and Rio (IGOV Class 2020) were the selected representatives to explain plans and aspirations them during their upcoming educational adventure.

Interviews were conducted by IGOV staff members Rofi, Fauziah, and Izzah, aimed to explore students’ motivations and goals for participating in their exchange program. Communication is conducted exclusively in English to simulate the linguistic environment they will soon find themselves in. In-depth questions ranged from personal introductions to how they intend to take advantage of IGOV’s subsidized facilities while abroad. Apart from that, the students were also asked about their strategies to maintain the prestigious reputation of IGOV and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).

An important aspect of this interview was the consideration of potential challenges arising from cultural differences and language barriers. Rofi, one of the interviewers, took a proactive approach by asking about students’ coping mechanisms for stress, especially when faced with potential culture shock related to language nuances. As IGOV students eagerly count the days of their departure, interviews and preparations are proof of their commitment and dedication from IGOV and UMY in fostering individuals who are globally aware and culturally sensitive. The world looks forward to the positive impact these students will have during their time at Maejo University and beyond.

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