Studying Disaster Management in Bantul Regency, Exchange Students From Maejo University Visit BPBD Bantu

Yogyakarta (25/11) – To exchange information on disaster management between Indonesia and Thailand, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) invited 2 exchange students from Maejo University, Thailand (MJU) to visit the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Bantul Regency. besides being a forum for exchanging information on disaster management, this activity was carried out to monitor and evaluate research-based internship activities by the Director of IGOV UMY which at the same time developed the mandate to become the PIC of the Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka (PK-KM) of the UMY Government Science Study Program.

As exchange students who are currently studying in Indonesia, of course, it would be a shame if they did not develop their thinking and stimulate their creativity through exploring learning resources in Yogyakarta which does not necessarily exist in Thailand. From these activities, they can find out how the emergency response plan to the strategy in responding to the emergency response in Bantul Regency. Apart from that, the activity continued with a seafood processed dinner at Depok Beach which could be new information for them because each country must have a distinctive taste image that makes the country’s identity.

Of course, this activity makes learning not monotonous and provides benefits for each party. As stated by Amnat Arthan, who is often called Neck. “It was very nice to have the opportunity to be invited to take part in these activities. Apart from gaining knowledge about Monitoring and Evaluation, we can share knowledge and information about disaster management from each country.” (ARP)

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