Departure for Exchange to Malaysia, 3 Enthusiastic IGOV Students

Student exchange is one of the requirements for international students to complete their studies at Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University (UMY). The three UMY IGOV students are Kevin Arya Prajna, Muhammad Akbar Sabarna, and Amanda Aspasia Dilla. These three students are IGOV students from the class of 2021 who will carry out an exchange at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

Departing by plane, Amanda and Akbar leave together via Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta Airport, transit at Medan’s Kualanamu Airport. Then the final destination arrives at Penang International Airport. Meanwhile, Kevin flew directly from Juanda Airport in Surabaya to Penang International Airport. Arriving there, the three students were picked up by USM by car.

Amanda said that something that surprised her when she arrived at USM, namely the many public transportation options that made it very easy for pedestrians like herself. “There are lots of buses here, Sis, for us to go to college, find food, and do other activities because if we walk, it’s quite far anyway, Kak, so if there’s a bus like this, it makes it easier for us for those who don’t bring their vehicles to USM.” Said Amanda (FLT)