WhatsApp Image 2022-01-31 at 14.54.07

To Improve Service, IGOV Renovates its Offices

Yogyakarta (5/2) – The International Program of Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV) is carrying out improvements to its office in the Postgraduate Building, while still in the repair of the IGOV office moved to Student Hall B (SH B) in front of the security guard office. It is estimated that the IGOV office carried out renovations for approximately a week from January 31 to February 9, 2022.
In addition to adding aesthetics and comfort, we also improve service for guests who visit the IGOV Office. With the renovation, it is expected that guests and students are comfortable to come to the IGOV Office and can be a workspace that can increase productivity for IGOV staff. The focus of renovating the IGOV office is to change the ambience of the office by changing the fresher wall paint and replacing the desk to better fit the size of the IGOV office to look spacious and not narrow. (ARP)

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