Visayas University Exchange Students Arrive in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Yogyakarta, September 10, 2023 – The picturesque Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) recently witnessed a warm reception as staff members from the Internasional Program of Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV) at Universitas Muhammdiyah Yogyakarta played gracious hosts university to a group of inbound exchange students from Visayas University on September 10, 2023.

The IGOV team, led by Fauziah Nauri Qisty, S.H., and Fransiska Regita Setianingrum, went from the Postgraduate building promptly at 08:00. The students from Visayas Arrived at YIA at 09:35, and continued with a delightful lunch at the famed Pak Min’s Chicken Soup, where they indulged in local cuisine, introducing the students to the flavors of Indonesia.

One challenge encountered during the visit was the exchange of currency. Due to the recent release of a new version of the Philippine currency, the staff faced difficulties exchanging money at the airport. However, they looked for nearby money changers around the airport, ensuring that the students had access to local currency for their stay.
With the currency resolved, the IGOV team, along with the exchange students, headed towards their next destination, Unires Putri, where they arrived at 02:00.

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