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Visiting Professor : Perspective on Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development : Collective Action in Natural Resource and Changing Community

Yogyakarta (10/3)- The Visiting Professor of IGOV UMY, Yanqiang DU carried out a class that discussed the Perspective on Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development : Collective Action in Natural Resource and Changing Community During the Process of Urbanization. Yanqiang DU menjelaskan Peran guanxi perspective dalam peternak babi di sebuah desa di china. Guanxi sendiri adalah a fundamental dynamic in the personalized power social network and has become an important belief system in Chinese culture.
The results of the analysis conducted by Yanqiang DU explained that in place of traditional guanxi forms, many villagers start to consider the pecuniary interest factors associated with guanxi practice, and gradually turnmore towards economic relationships. The traditional guanxi network was a suitable way of maintaining social order and discipline – because everyone was dependent on everyone else, The new networks create chains of dependency that secure power and status for the elite at the expense of the other members of the village. The context for this finding is the swift social and economic transformation
that has taken place in rural China, in which the growth in pig farming has outstripped the ability of small communities to deal with the consequent pollution. (ARP)

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