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Visiting Professor: Sustainable Development Theories and Concepts: MDGs and SDGs

Yogyakarta (12/12) – The visiting professor this time presented a speaker named Agustiyara, S.IP, MPA who is an alumnus of our study program, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY). Raising the theme of Sustainable Development Theories and Concepts related to the subject of Environmental Politics with the main topic of discussion regarding the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This activity was held on Saturday (10/12) at 12.00 WIB via Zoom Meetings, attended by IGOV Batch 2020 students.

The visiting professor begins with an explanation of the importance of sustainable development and continued with. The emergence of the sustainable concept is based on the concern that the carrying capacity of the environment is exceeded by human production and consumption, this concept combines nature and ecology adapted to social and economic needs and preferences, also combining preservation and protection with environmental development and growth.

The speaker also explained various indicators that can be used as benchmarks for achieving sustainable development. The material discussed with the visiting professor this time is to deepen and add to students’ knowledge of the material they have received in class and those they have never received. This activity started on time and ran smoothly, at the end of the session it was closed with a question and answer session that trained students’ critical abilities, and several interesting questions emerged from students who attended this activity. (ARP)

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