4th Day of 4th IGoPSS: Dr. phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, S.Fil.I., MA have a Session on Politics and Elections

On the 4th day of the 4th International Government and Politics Summer School, attendees were treated to an engaging second session centered around “Politics and Elections,” expertly led and presented by the esteemed Dr. phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, S.Fil.I., MA. The session, skillfully moderated by Muhammad Hagi, provided a profound exploration of the world of politics and a comprehensive understanding of democracy.

Dr. Ridho Al-Hamdi commenced by delving into the realm of politics through the lens of Harold Lasswell, offering insights into the dynamics of power, decision-making, and influence in governing societies. He proceeded to expound on democracy by defining its core elements – “Demos” and “Kratos,” representing the people and power, respectively – emphasizing that democracy signifies power resting with the people.

The discussion further shed light on pivotal moments in democracy’s journey, including the end of an authoritarian regime, the establishment of a democratic regime, and the consolidation of a democratic system. Different scenarios of democracy were explored, encompassing regression, stability, and progression, each showcasing varying dynamics and challenges.

Crucial elements of democracy were highlighted, encompassing the significance of fair elections, freedom of expression, and the role of civil society. The importance of transparent and fair electoral processes, protecting the rights of free expression, and the active involvement of civil society organizations in holding governments accountable were underscored.

As the presentation drew to a close, the question and answer session commenced, fostering active and dynamic participation. Enthusiastic attendees posed thought-provoking questions, seeking clarifications, and engaging in lively discussions on diverse aspects of politics and elections. The vibrant exchange of ideas enriched the learning experience, leaving participants inspired and motivated to contribute actively to the future of politics and governance.

The 4th International Government and Politics Summer School continues to serve as a dynamic platform, fostering knowledge, dialogue, and collaboration among aspiring political scholars and practitioners from diverse backgrounds. This session’s illuminating discussions undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the participants, igniting their passion to play an active role in shaping the future of politics on a global scale.

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