
Continue Improving Writing Skills, IGOV UMY Students Participate in International Conference on Education and Technology Activities

Yogyakarta (17/12) – The Students of the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) have repeatedly improved their competence in writing skills. This time, IGOV UMY students have just collected Abstracts and PowerPoints for The Second International Conference on Education and Technology (ICETE). This was also confirmed by Satria Imam Prasetya, S.IP., as the mentor at the current International Conference.

“It’s true, at this event there were 2 IGOV UMY students who took part in the activity and are in the process of making a full paper which will be submitted on Tuesday (27/12)” said Satria

ICETE is an International Conference organized by STAI MA’HAD ALY AL-HIKAM MALANG INDONESIA with the big theme of The Urgency of Women’s Role in Civilization. The activity also invited several speakers such as Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaharah Binti Hussin from the University of Malaya, Malaysia; Dr. Siti Marpuah from Tun Hussein Onn University, Malaysia; Dr. Umi Salamah, M.Pd. I as the Head of the PAI STAI Masters Study Program Ma’had Aly Al-Hikam, Malang; and Dr. Ifa Khoiria Ningrum as Vice Rector 4 Unugiri Bojonegoro, Bojonegoro.

Previously, IGOV UMY students had just participated in the Borobudur International Symposium held by the Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang (UNIMA). This is certainly proof that IGOV UMY students continue to learn and develop their abilities which will be useful when they have to compete in the world of work later.

“By participating in this activity, I hope that IGOV UMY students will continue to learn and hone their skills so that they can continue to make achievements and increase their provisions when they have to compete in the world of work,” Satria said. (ARP)


IGOV UMY Students Participate in the National Conference at Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung

Yogyakarta (10/11) – Success in the world of work is not due to his academic ability. Not because of one’s technical ability / hard skills. Many studies show that one’s success in the world of work is not based on technical ability. The technical ability only accounts for ten percent of its success, and the remaining 80 percent is contributed by non-academic abilities or so-called soft skills. Soft skills currently support someone who will work or create jobs. This shows that most companies prefer prospective workers who have excellent soft skills but lack hard skills. Compared to choosing prospective workers who have strong hard skills but lack soft skills.

In this era, the capacity building of students at the University is being intensified to hone the soft skills of the students to prepare graduates who can compete globally. Many tactics and strategies are used by universities and study programs to improve students’ soft skills. One of the efforts made is to create a Capacity Building program that leads to students participating in national and international competitions, participating in international conferences, participating in national conferences, etc. Thus, students are expected to be able to improve their soft skills and get achievements in non-academic and academic fields

One of the Study Programs that aggressively encourages students to continue to improve their students’ soft skills is the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) through one of the capacity-building programs that it has created, IGOV Hello Research. At this time IGOV Hello Research is sending 6 IGOV students to a national conference held by the University of Muhammadiyah Lampung on Thursday, November 10, 2022, through Zoom Meetings. In this activity, participants presented the results of their research after they participated in the national seminar the participants were able to publish their research results in nationally reputable journals.

Positive activities like this cannot be separated from the contribution of IGOV UMY in providing excellent facilities through the Capacity Building program, namely IGOV Hello Research. As stated by Muhammad Ariq Rafi. “Participating in this activity is certainly a special opportunity where other students may not get this golden opportunity, of course, this opportunity cannot be separated from the support provided by IGOV UMY through IGOV Hello Research which allows students to continue to develop and prepare us to become quality graduates”. (ARP)