WhatsApp Image 2023-08-21 at 19.31.44 (1)

IGOV Staff Held Discussion and Evaluation about IGOV Program on School Program 2022/2023

In an important meeting, IGOV (International Government Studies) staff gathered on August 21, 2023, at the YATS Colony Hotel to conduct a thorough discussion and evaluation of various academic and non-academic initiatives carried out during the 2022-2023 school year. . Led by the esteemed Director of IGOV, Mr. Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP., the event was also attended by important figures including Muhammad Naufal Rofi, S.I.P., Fauziah Nauri Qisty, S.H., Annisaa Luthfi Amalia, Nurul Izzah Aula, Fransiska Regita Setyaningrum, and Dimas Fawwaz Putra Arvian.

The session, which starts at 16.30 and ends at 18.30, revolves around a thorough discussion in various fields, including academic and non-academic aspects, as well as the Student Capacity program. Delving deep into the field of digital presence, this discourse extends to the development of social media and strategies for advancing promotional efforts. In particular, the discussions paved the way for the planning of the upcoming IGOV program in the coming school year. The day’s productive talks continued with a friendly dinner at YATS Resto, which fostered collaboration and friendship among IGOV staff members.

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