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IGOV UMY Goes to SMAN in Kebumen

Yogyakarta (8/11) – All schools require effective school promotion, especially during this pandemic. It is not uncommon for school administrators to change the way their school promotes itself. This is critical because school promotion is a method of attracting new students to a school. With the right and effective promotion, a school can attract students who meet the school’s expectations and abilities.

International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) implemented several promotional strategies to entice students to join IGOV UMY and educate them on the numerous advantages and benefits that come with joining IGOV UMY. Among the promotional strategies used by IGOV UMY are visits to SMA in Bojonegoro, East Java, empowerment-based promotional activities, and digital promotions via social media.

One of the promotional activities recently carried out by the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) was the Campus Roadshow held by Admisi UMY. On this occasion, IGOV UMY visited SMAN 1 Petanahan and SMAN 1 Bulus Kebumen to introduce the students to the facilities, and programs provided, as well as internationalization. The promotional activity was brought by Foltama Juna Prasetya, one of the promotion teams from IGOV UMY.

At the time, besides introducing IGOV UMY and UMY, the students were very enthusiastic about the initial experience of being a student in Yogyakarta. In addition to adequate facilities at IGOV UMY, Yogyakarta is the main attraction for students to choose a place to study. This was stated by Mas Folta “Besides the students are interested in IGOV UMY and the opportunity to compete globally with the given program, the students are very curious about Yogyakarta and their first experience when studying in Yogyakarta.” (ARP)