The Experience of Student Exchange Could Be Attracted by HRD

Participating in Students’ Exchange abroad gives the experience of surviving abroad. Student exchange not only allows us to learn, but also accustoms us to have skills that help us survive abroad. So, are there any skills from student exchange that can make you more attractive to HRD at the company you are applying for?

English Comprehensive

Recruiters prefer candidates who speak foreign languages well, especially English because they can communicate effectively with colleagues and partners worldwide.

Networking Skills

Getting student exchange abroad you will have friends from various countries. Frequently communicating with friends from multiple countries will train us to be able to communicate and respect the opinions of others. This ability makes recruiters interested in recruiting us.

Adaptability Skills

By participating in student exchanges, you are challenged to be able to adapt to the surrounding environment. It shows job recruiters that you can communicate and work with people from diverse backgrounds. (NIA)


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