
IGOV UMY held a matriculation activity with the topic English and Abroad: Deal with English, then leave Indonesia

Yogyakarta (26/11) – As an International Program that has differences from regular programs, of course, there must be a similar perception and mindset for students so that they get an overview of the activities and obstacles they have to face when carrying out activities as International Program students. Therefore, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) held a matriculation activity which has become an annual agenda that must be carried out.

The activity was held on Saturday (26/11) which took place in Pulesari Tourism Village, Sleman. This activity is intended for new IGOV UMY students so they can find out what they will face at IGOV UMY and the importance of being able to master languages ​​other than Indonesian. This goes straight with the topic used in this year’s matriculation activity, namely, English and Abroad: Deal with English, then leave Indonesia. This topic is used so that new IGOV UMY students can adapt and accept that currently, the use of English is very important to increase their value.

In addition, IGOV UMY invited a speaker and IGOV UMY Batch 2015 alumni, Mia Rosmiati, S.IP., to share her experience of how Mba Mia came from a small village with inadequate facilities to learn English and had to enter IGOV UMY who must use English in learning activities until becoming an English mentor. In the sharing activity, Mba Mia advised that don’t make language an obstacle for you to build relationships, make it a link so you get to know more people.

“Language is not to take you somewhere, but language can make those who don’t know you to become know you,” said Mba Mia. (ARP)


Studying Disaster Management in Bantul Regency, Exchange Students From Maejo University Visit BPBD Bantu

Yogyakarta (25/11) – To exchange information on disaster management between Indonesia and Thailand, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) invited 2 exchange students from Maejo University, Thailand (MJU) to visit the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Bantul Regency. besides being a forum for exchanging information on disaster management, this activity was carried out to monitor and evaluate research-based internship activities by the Director of IGOV UMY which at the same time developed the mandate to become the PIC of the Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka (PK-KM) of the UMY Government Science Study Program.

As exchange students who are currently studying in Indonesia, of course, it would be a shame if they did not develop their thinking and stimulate their creativity through exploring learning resources in Yogyakarta which does not necessarily exist in Thailand. From these activities, they can find out how the emergency response plan to the strategy in responding to the emergency response in Bantul Regency. Apart from that, the activity continued with a seafood processed dinner at Depok Beach which could be new information for them because each country must have a distinctive taste image that makes the country’s identity.

Of course, this activity makes learning not monotonous and provides benefits for each party. As stated by Amnat Arthan, who is often called Neck. “It was very nice to have the opportunity to be invited to take part in these activities. Apart from gaining knowledge about Monitoring and Evaluation, we can share knowledge and information about disaster management from each country.” (ARP)


Improving Cultural Information, IGOV UMY held a Cultural Exchange Activity with Maejo University, Thailand

Yogyakarta (24/11) – Increasing cultural information between countries is important in today’s global era where social interaction is becoming increasingly global in all aspects. Realizing the importance of this, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) conducted a Cultural Exchange program with Exchange Students from universities in neighboring countries, namely Maejo University, Thailand. In general, the purpose of this activity is to increase collaboration and interaction between students and more than that to introduce each other to the culture of each country and university. This year, activities are focused on introducing culture in Indonesia by making several visits to several cultural sites and tourist attractions in Yogyakarta.

The first day of Cultural Exchange activities will be held on Wednesday, 23 November 2022 with the aim of The Palace of Yogyakarta, Fort Vredeburg Museum, and Taman Sari Yogyakarta. This activity involved 5 students consisting of 3 batches of 2022 IGOV students who became buddies and 2 students from Maejo University, Thailand. Just like Cultural Exchange activities in general, they can find out how Indonesia’s historical heritage, especially Yogyakarta, and the culture of the empire which may not be much different from their home country, namely, Thailand, through a visit to the place.

In general, the first day of Cultural Exchange activities ran smoothly and was able to provide many benefits, both from a cultural and academic point of view. Culturally, this activity can make this activity able to introduce local culture more intensively and interactively. Meanwhile, from an academic point of view, this activity was able to strengthen cooperation between universities from Thailand and Indonesia to produce quality collaborative works for the future. (ARP)


Foreign Students Study at IGOV UMY to Support Internationalization Activities

Yogyakarta (19/11) – Muda Mendunia is a jargon that is currently embedded in the citizens regarding Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). Of course, this jargon is not just mere boasting to attract public attention to UMY. One form of UMY to prove this jargon is the presence of an International Study Program or what is commonly called an International Program, with an International Program students are able to get more facilities and internationalization which can increase students’ preparedness for a globalized world.

One of the International Programs at UMY is the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration UMY (IGOV UMY) which provides great support for its students to get internationalization. This support is in the form of programs created by IGOV UMY such as the Student Exchange Program, Visiting Professor, and International Government of Politics Summer School (IGoPSS) where IGOV UMY will hold a Summer School for students from all over the world. Apart from that, IGOV UMY also holds an Inbound Student Exchange Program where foreign students will study at IGOV UMY for one semester.

Currently, IGOV UMY has 4 foreign students studying at IGOV UMY, 2 foreign students with Full-Time Student status, and 2 foreign students participating in Student Exchange Program activities from Thailand. Having these 4 foreign students is certainly a plus for IGOV UMY students because they can more easily exchange ideas, gain insights and new perspectives from each country, as well as add to international relations. This was also confirmed by Awang Rajaprakoso Purnomo, one of the UMY IGOV students. “In my opinion, having friends from abroad really helps me improve my English and opens up new perspectives and knowledge from them.”

Furthermore, IGOV UMY will hold a Welcoming Party activity which is to welcome new IGOV UMY students along with Exchange Students and Cultural Exchange activities which go directly to cultural-based tourist attractions so that these foreign students can learn about Indonesian culture which is of course very different from their home country. they. It is hoped that the two activities that are currently on the closest agenda will be able to give a good impression when they have to return to their home country. “We hope that these 2 activities, will give a positive impression and useful knowledge for them when they have to return to their respective countries and they can share this knowledge on a small or large scale.” Said Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP., as the Director of IGOV UMY. (ARP)