
Thammasat University for Those Who Want Study Regionalism

Yogyakarta (9/2) – Thammasat University is one of the University Partners International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) located in Bangkok, Thailand. The university’s guiding philosophy is “teaching students to love and respect democracy”.
IGOV collaborates with the Bachelor of Political Science Program (BIR program) under the auspices of The Faculty of Political Science. Thammasat University’s Faculty of Political Science recognizes the significance of building an English-taught curriculum in the field of politics and international relations. The Program combines academic perspectives, case studies, topical challenges, and practical skills. It also prioritizes a wide range of scholarly issues critical to the study of politics and international affairs.
So, for those of you who want to learn about International Relations, you can take the Student Exchange program to Thammasat University. For those of you who are very interested in studying regionalism, Thammasat University can be one of your choices. In addition, you will get new knowledge and perspectives on how Thammasat University becomes a counter to the kingdom in Thailand. (ARP)

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University Partners of IGOV, Number 2 is Big 150 ranks in the world

Yogyakarta (8/2) – A foreign exchange student is typically a high school or college student who travels to a foreign nation as part of a foreign exchange student program to live and study there. Exchange students will typically attend classes at a nearby high school or university as part of their current course of study. Taking classes in a foreign country as an exchange student can help develop critical thinking by approaching learning in a new way.
A student’s skills gained during a foreign exchange program can be valuable assets to prospective future employers. International exchange students can strengthen their English language abilities, develop new talents, or maybe discover a new pastime from another culture. Therefore, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration of the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) provides facilities for its students to conduct student exchanges while providing subsidies. Here are University Partners IGOV UMY
1. Universiti Utara Malaysia (Malaysia)
2. Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
3. Khon Kaen university (Thailand)
4. Maejo University (Thailand)
5. Sun Moon University (South Korea)
6. Thammasat University (Thailand)
7. SIAS International University (China)
8. National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
9. Asia University (Taiwan)
Many benefits of following Student Exchange, so wait for more? Cmon Student Exchange! (ARP)
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How to Paid Student Academic Payment

Yogyakarta (9/2) – the payment time of the semester money is already willing to close, for friends who have not paid are expected to pay before the specified time of February 12, 2022. For those of you who are still confused about how to pay the semester money following a description of how to pay.
1. BMT
a. Download the app “BMT UMY MOBILE” at Playstore. Then install
b. Select “UMY Academic Payments”
c. Select “Payment product” (spp/dpp), and then enter NIMmahasiswa. then click “check bill”
d. Details of the bill and a list of bills will appear. Then select “transfer” then click “Yes, Pay with Transfer”.
e. Billing information will appear, and then click BSI for VA creation
f. Copy/record your Virtual Account Number, then pay on the network (ATM, Mobile banking, internet banking, SMS banking, and Teller) all Banks in Indonesia
PLEASE NOTE, the validity period of the Virtual Account number is 3 days from creation
2. Through BSI MOBILE
a. BSI Mobile Logo-in
b. Select the pay menu
c. Select academic
d. Select an academic name: (type) 9534 – SPP BMT UMYY
e. Input No VA
f. Confirm the amount of payment
3. Through BSI ATM
a. Enter ATM Card
b. Enter ATM PIN
c. Select academic menu
d. Input the clearing code (9534 + No VA)
e. Confirm the amount of payment
4. Through Teller BSI
a. Partners come to the teller to BSI
b. Partners mention Virtual Account Number: 9009534 + No VA
c. Partner hands money to teller
d. Future partners present proof of deposit
e. Save proof of deposit
a. Enter ATM cards and PIN
b. Select more transactions
c. Select transfer menu
d. Select the interbank transfer menu
e. Enter the bank passcode; 4519009534 + No VA
f. Nominal input of payment
g. Confirm by pressing Yes
6. Other Mobile Banking
a. Select the Online transfer menu to another bank
b. Choose to Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)
c. Enter the payment code with the option:
d. For SPP and DPP UMY: 9009534 + No VA
e. Nominal input of payment
f. Continue the transaction according to the procedure of each bank
7. Through another bank teller
a. Come to the nearest bank
b. Tell teller “want to pay for college”
c. Partners mention NIM or Virtual Account number: 45190095344 + No VA
d. The partner hands over the money to be transferred to the teller
e. Save proof of deposit
Let’s get paid the semester money! (ARP)
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To Improve Service, IGOV Renovates its Offices

Yogyakarta (5/2) – The International Program of Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV) is carrying out improvements to its office in the Postgraduate Building, while still in the repair of the IGOV office moved to Student Hall B (SH B) in front of the security guard office. It is estimated that the IGOV office carried out renovations for approximately a week from January 31 to February 9, 2022.
In addition to adding aesthetics and comfort, we also improve service for guests who visit the IGOV Office. With the renovation, it is expected that guests and students are comfortable to come to the IGOV Office and can be a workspace that can increase productivity for IGOV staff. The focus of renovating the IGOV office is to change the ambience of the office by changing the fresher wall paint and replacing the desk to better fit the size of the IGOV office to look spacious and not narrow. (ARP)


Implementing the Young and Global Tagline by Advancing International Accreditation

Yogyakarta (4/2) – Umy Government Science Study Program (UMY IP Study Program) has just conducted international accreditation benchmarking to the State Administration Science Study Program (AN) of Sebelas Maret State University (UNS). The activity aims to learn the experience of THE UNS Study Program in carrying out the accreditation of The Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) on Wednesday, (2/2).

As we know, UMY IP Study Program currently holds Superior Accreditation and is AUN-QA certified, the accreditation also affects the accreditation of umy IP Study Program international program, namely, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY). Therefore, it is certainly not enough so it needs to be raised to international accreditation by FIBAA.

With the addition of accreditation to international, there will be many benefits that can be obtained, especially for international programs such as, there will be more international partners to be invited to cooperate because the change in international accreditation fosters a sense of integrity and trust in the eyes of international partners and full-time students from all over the world will increase to study at UMY IGOV. Therefore, as students, we must support making UMY IP Study Program into international accreditation. (ARP)


Why We Must Student Exchange? by Dian Aurelia Pramudita Insani

Yogyakarta (3/2) – A student exchange program, commonly known as a student exchange, is a program in which a student can take part in a study program at a foreign campus for a certain period. Student exchange maybe one of the achievement targets for most students during their lectures, but not many people can make it happen, it takes more than just English language skills and abilities in the process.
This is how Dian Aurelia Pramudita Insani, IGOV Student of the 2020 Force who is currently conducting Student Exchange at Maejo University Thailand. During the Student Exchange she said many new things that she felt, such as the mindset of his people who were different from Indonesians that were obtained from the results of discussion thoughts from their respective countries, there she really got new insights that were not taught at his home university, the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).
According to her, conducting Student Exchange can add new knowledge beyond the studies taken at the original campus, because at the time of doing Student Exchange can take different studies. Although there are differences in the language used, she is happy to be able to do it because from there she can practice her English language skills and increase the confidence to use English. Aurel also added that there is no need to feel restless and afraid to face change, “As human beings we can only choose what God is given, therefore the choice given by God we must be grateful and pray for strength.”
The important thing she feels is to get a sense of being an international program student and can do a Student Exchange that not all students can feel. (ARP)

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4 apps to help improve your English skills, number 1 is everyone favourite

Yogyakarta (2/2) – As an international program student, English becomes a must-have skill. With the development of technology, learning English becomes easier. For those of you who want to spend the semester holidays by improving English, there are currently many free applications that you can use as a medium for learning. Here are some app options you can use.
1. Duolingo
Duolingo is a lightweight application that requires only about 14 MB of memory to download. This application is included in the Play Store’s Editor’s Choice list, indicating that it is of high quality. Users can use this application to practice their English speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills.
2. Beelinguapp
This application is based on the idea of learning via storytelling. Users of the Beelinguapp can learn to read stories in both English and Indonesian at the same time. Users of this program can also use the audio option included in the narrative to hear how to pronounce a sentence in English.
3. Grammarly
Grammarly is one of the additional tools that can assist users in learning to write in English. Grammarly will take the place of the phone’s native keyboard. One of the benefits of this application is the ability to verify spelling in English.
4. Cake
Cake offers English study materials in the form of a YouTube video. This video features material that is spoken in English with Indonesian subtitles. With the AI Speech Recognition feature, this software can also help you improve your speaking skills. (ARP)
Igov Vaksin


Yogyakarta (31/1) – Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY) has just held the Pzifer Booster Vaccination held on January 31, 2022 at ICS / Klinik Bintang UMY. The vaccination is open to the public aged 18 years and above and UMY Civitas. At the time you want the vaccine you only need to bring a Identity Card (KTP) or register at the https://reg-vaksin.umy.ac.id.
In addition to stimulating antibodies to learn and recognize viruses that have been weakened to reduce the risk of exposure, vaccination is very important for international program students to travel abroad, especially Student Exchange is a mandatory program for international program students.
According to Circular Letter No. 20 of 2021 on International Travel Health Protocol during the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic 2019 (COVID-19), it is mentioned that all international travelers, both indonesian and indonesian citizens must show a card or certificate (physical or digital) have received the COVID-19 vaccine complete dose at least 14 days before departure as a requirement. Therefore vaccination is very important for international program students, especially if you already have plans to conduct Student Exchange in the near future. (ARP)
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Yogyakarta (29/1) – International Program of Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV) is one of the international programs at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) located in the Postgraduate Building of UMY. Besides offering attractive programs for its students like Student Exchange, Visiting Professor, Competency Certification, IGOV Creative Hub, etc. There are many facilities that IGOV students can use in the Postgraduate Building, such as:
1. Student Hall
In the Student Hall, you can do assignments or to discuss lectures with fellow students. Student Hall Provides a spacious place, sofas to rest, tables and chairs. All of them are comfortable to do work that requires a long period of time. Air conditioner is also provided so you don’t have to worry about overheating.
2. Student Lounge
The second place that you can use is the Student Lounge. On every floor of the Postgraduate Building, except the ground floor, there is a Student Lounge. You can use the Student Lounge to wait for your next lecture or if you want to discuss your coursework needs, there is a balcony for those of you who want to enjoy fresh air.
3. Tutorial Room
The Tutor Room is on the third floor of the Postgraduate Building. If you want to use the Tutor Room, you must have a permit and a purpose, such as, conferences, class changes, or other student activities.
Don’t forget to keep those places clean and take care of the devices in the room, because you’re not the only one who uses the room! (ARP)

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Activities for the International Students Program.

Yogyakarta (28/1) – The odd semester break has arrived, the students have three weeks of free time which can be used to do various activities to improve self-quality. As an international student, there are many activities to hone your English skills in your spare time during odd semester holidays so when you return to claww, your English skills will show some improvement.
Here are a few choices of activities to hone your English skills during your vacation.
1. Do an internship that can help you hone your English
By participating in this kind of internship, you can gain new experiences as well as hone your English skills. For instance, being an assistant teacher at an International Kindergarten, being a Tour Guide at a museum, and being an English tutor for children.
2. Join a Language Community
Various communities usually open their recruitment for students. You can try register yourself to Polyglot to share the knowledge languages, besides that, you can expand your network and information related to foreign countries.
3. Fun English Learning
For those of you who are lazy to go out and want to stay at home, you can learn or hone your English skills by watching movies, listening to music or listening to podcasts, but they must be in English.
In addition to the activities above, don’t forget to go home to meet your family, friends! (ARP)