New Terms for IGOV New Students before teaching and learning activities start

Yogyakarta (3/9) – After firmly choosing the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) as your next life journey, you must prepare to enter a new phase of being a student. As a new student, you will not only learn new things but will also be struggling in a new environment, new relationships, including a new system when studying.
Now, regarding the system, several lecture terms are very different from the terms used in school first. In order not to be confused, you must know some lecture terms that new students must know. Let’s look at the following information.

1. Secondary Supervisor
A secondary Supervisor is a Supervisor who will assist you in correcting the Grammar in your thesis because in IGOV your thesis must use English, you know!

2. Student Capacity Building Program
Capacity Building Programs are programs created by IGOV for you to develop your Soft Skills and of course, the program is to prepare you to face competition in the world of work.

3. Visiting Professor
Well, every semester at IGOV you will be taught by Professors/lecturers who come from abroad. So don’t be surprised if suddenly a foreigner comes to your class and teaches you new knowledge from a different perspective.

So that’s a term you should know as a new IGOV student. So don’t get me wrong! (ARP)


IP UMY Held Annual Work Meeting 2022/2023 to Improve Academic Performance

Yogyakarta (1/9) To improve educational performance, IP UMY again held the 2022/2023 Annual Work Meeting (RKT) on Tuesday (30/8). Head of the UMY Government Science Study Program, Dr. Tunjung Sulaksono, M.Sc., and Secretary of the UMY Government Science Study Program, Muhammad Eko Atmojo, S.IP.M.IP., and Secretary of the International Program for Government Affairs and Administration (IGOV) UMY presented this event. The event, held at the Rayz UMM Hotel Malang, was also attended by UMY Government Science Study Program Lecturers and Staff.

This RKT contains several discussions, including monitoring and evaluating educational performance during the 2021/2022 academic year, strategic plans for the 2022/2023 academic year, implementing the Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) curriculum, ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN–QA), and Foundation For International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA). On the agenda of the RKT was also the discussion of curricular homogeneity across the Government Science Study Program (IP), the Government Science Masters Program (MIP), and the UMY Government Science Doctoral Program (PDIP).

The Strategy Performance Index (IKS) and publication metrics in national, international, or proceedings journals were also discussed in the RKT IP UMY. In the meantime, the learning plan for the 2022/2023 academic year will be implemented offline in compliance with the Academic Calendar Rector’s Decree. This time around, RKT also has a strategic plan consisting of optimizing service partnerships with the University of Muhammadiyah Sinjai and IUGM Palembang under the supervision of PKKM. (ARP)


Fantastic! IGOV UMY Lecturer Receives Outstanding Lecturer Award

Yogyakarta (23/8) – During the 2021/2022 academic year, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) hosted the Annual Work Meeting (RKT), which is a standard annual agenda. RKT is the initial phase preceding the implementation of the formulation of the activity plan and budget (RKA). All structural Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta officials were present at this conference. This agenda is also accompanied by awards for exceptional personnel, which are granted to lecturers and permanent education professionals who satisfy the requirements and pass the assessment indicators.

There are various indications for evaluating high-achieving staff, including the results of the 2021/2022 SKP evaluation, academic position achievement, percentage of attendance, and teacher certification. Through this evaluation, one of the IP UMY lecturers, Dr. Phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, MA., was able to receive an award as an exceptional instructor. Dr. Adhianty Nurjanah, M.Sc., and Dr. Ir. Ramadoni Syahputra, M.T., also received this honor. Wisnu Harja was given first place for the best education staff, followed by Wuri Prastuti, S.M., and Joko Purnomo.

The purpose of this performance review is to recognize lecture who have excelled while providing motivation and role models for those who need to improve. (ARP)

Feed - Sapa Prodi IGOV

Introducing the Excellent Class, IGOV UMY held a podcast with Admisi UMY

Yogyakarta (19/8) – the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) has just held a Podcast entitled Talking Study Program with UMY Admissions on Thursday, August 18, 2022, which took place in the Podcast Room of UMY Admissions Building. The event was hosted by Muhammad Oky Fauzi, S.IP., and invited the director of IGOV UMY Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP as a guest from the podcast.

The event aimed to introduce one of the excellent classes at UMY, namely IGOV UMY, where Mas Sakir explained how the excitement was at IGOV UMY, adequate facilities for students to hone their soft skills, and how easy it is for IGOV UMY students to get international exposure. From these activities, it became the execution of ideas in the promotion strategy that had been discussed by IGOV UMY and UMY Admissions to attract prospective new students (Camaba) so that they wanted to join IGOV UMY and eliminate their fear of lack of using English.

“For all friends, don’t be afraid about we must using English at IGOV UMY, because IGOV UMY itself has a program that will help you to improve your English skills, namely IGOV English Booster. In this program, you will be sent to Kampung English Pare to focus on improving your English skills.” Said Mr. Sakir. (ARP)


The Importance of International Exposure for Students

Yogyakarta (5/8) – Today, hard skills are not sufficient to obtain employment. Especially now that the era of the 4.0 industrial revolution has arrived. Many jobs will be lost and replaced by new sorts of work in that era. This implies that workers must be capable of adapting to these changes. According to an article on the website of the World Economic Forum, to adapt to industry 4.0, one must have strong soft skills. Therefore, as the future of Indonesian manufacturing, the millennial generation must also develop their soft skills. One method to accomplish this is through overseas experience.

According to Oliver Watson, chief board director of Michael Page, the company significantly values foreign experience. This is because personnel with greater expertise and awareness of diverse cultures may help organizations increase their worldwide reach.

According to gvi.co.uk, there are three reasons why millennials should gain international experience.

An advantage of international experience is the chance to learn more about oneself, including one’s strengths and flaws. The experience can also aid in identifying objectives, desires, and desired accomplishments.

Professional career progression
Professional career development is no longer restricted to on-the-job training and experience. Additionally, the experience of connecting with others might aid in the development of a professional career. During gap years, activities may include, for example, voluntary work and internships with domestic and/or international companies. Each of these experiences can cultivate soft skills that are extremely valuable in any profession, including communication, empathy, leadership, flexibility, and critical thinking.

Find your ardor
International experience can help bring out your individuality and enthusiasm, which can then be applied to your way of life. A person with international experience is also more prepared for the future due to his enhanced experience.

Education abroad is no longer required to acquire international experience. Numerous majors in Indonesia incorporate an international experience into their curriculum. International Program in Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is one of them (IGOV UMY).

IGOV UMY is an International class from the UMY Government Science Study Program (Prodi IP UMY) that promotes internationalization for its students, with facilities and programs that enable IGOV UMY students to compete in the national and international workplace. By engaging in more international experiences, it is anticipated that students would be able to hone their soft skills, get more knowledge, and be prepared for industrial revolution 4.0. (ARP)


Towards Competent IP, UMY IP Lecturers Participate in Competency Assessor Training

Yogyakarta (3/8) – Rapid population growth compels humanity to adapt by acquiring new skills. This is one of the company’s survival tactics in the face of intense competition in the labor market. Taking into account this demographic truce, UMY strives to accommodate its students as prospective future generations of the workforce so that they have more to offer in the future conflicts of the world of labor. Article 8 paragraph 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2022 regarding Diplomas, Competency Certifications, Professional Certificates, Degrees and Equivalence of Diplomas of Other State Universities states that “competency certification issued by tertiary institutions cooperates with (1) professional organizations, (2) training institutions, (3) accredited certification bodies.”

Officially formed under the jurisdiction of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) to provide competency certification for UMY students under the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards, UMY has a Professional Certification Institute (LSP) (SKKNI). Additionally, LSP UMY assists the present deployment of competency assessor candidate training. On Monday (1/8) at the @K Hotel in Kaliurang, Miftakul Azis, Deputy Chairperson of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), led competency assessor candidate training attended by ninety individuals.

As one of the study programs with a competency certification scheme at LSP UMY, UMY Government (IP UMY) Science is becoming increasingly advanced thanks to the participation of several lecturers from the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY), an international program for IP UMY. Prof. Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, S.IP., M.Sc., Dr. Suranto, M. Pol., M. Si, Dr. Suswanta, M.Si, Dr. Tunjung Sulaksono, S.IP., M.Si, Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP., and Muhammad Eko Atmojo, S.IP., M.IP. all participated The establishment of assessor training by LSP UMY was prompted by the significance of competency assessors’ contribution to the infrastructure for competency certification. (ARP)


How to Fill Your Study Plan Cards (KRS)

Yogyakarta (2/8) – Even semester break has arrived, approximately for 3 months. In addition to being a month where students can rest themselves or, go back to their hometowns, they still have to carry out their other obligations, paying tuition fees & filling out Study Plan Cards (KRS) with a deadline until 27 August 2022. For those of you who don’t know how to fill in the KRS yet, MinGov will tell you.

1. Visit the page http://krs.umy.ac.id/
2. Click on the “Student Login section
3. Enter your email address and password, and make sure the email you enter is the email provided by the campus!
4. Then, go to the KRS Online page which is on the main page table
5. After that, you choose courses according to your semester, you can check your courses at https://igov.umy.ac.id/academics/courses/
6. After you choose a course according to your semester, you have to pay tuition and DPP so that you can register yourself for that course.
7. After you pay your tuition and DPP, don’t forget to do a PRA-KRS (on the KRS Online page) to choose a class and register yourself for the course.

After you fill out the KRS, you just need to wait for the holiday time to end and you will be invited to the WhatsApp group by MinGov. (ARP)


3rd IGoPSS: Political Ethics in Collaborative Government and Political Parties

Yogyakarta (21/7) – 3rd International Government and Politics Summer School organized by the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) held a class to teach participants about Political Ethics in Collaborative Government hosted by Dr. Phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, MA and Elections, Public Officials, Corruption, and the Ethical Responsibility of Political Parties in Post New-Order Indonesia hosted by Dr. Tunjung Sulaksono, S.IP., M.Sc. This event will be held in Hybrid on Saturday, 20 July 2022.

In the first session, Mr. Ridho explained how political ethics is needed in every basic value, government, society, market, etc. to make it sustainable at every level. With the increasing population in the world, of course, every country needs a lot of resources to prosper its country. Therefore, a political ethical sense of responsibility from a leader is needed so that they are not careless in managing or using existing resources.


In the next learning session, Mr. Tunjung explained the political conditions in Indonesia, where there is still a lot of rampant corruption and Indonesia is still fighting to eradicate corruption. At the beginning of the session, Mr. Tunjung explained how Indonesia’s struggle to become a democratic country that allows the Indonesian people to choose their leaders through elections. Furthermore, he explained that over time the elections went well but there was corruption committed by these leaders. Therefore, there must be strong cooperation between the party and the anti-corruption agency to ensure that elites and party cadres receive sufficient literacy and socialization about the dangers and traps of corruption.

From the 2 sessions, it can be concluded that there need to be basic values ​​to form a high sense of responsibility for the mandate carried out. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate ethics for oneself. “By instilling good ethics/morals for ourselves, we will be aware of the sense of responsibility we carry, and that is very important for those of you who want to become a leader.” Mr. Ridho said. (ARP)