WhatsApp Image 2022-11-14 at 15.10.31

To Maximize Students Graduates, IGOV UMY Held a Final Year Students Meeting for Bachelor Thesis

Yogyakarta (14/11) – To help students complete their undergraduate education on time which is also an important aspect in assessing study program accreditation, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) has just held an IGOV activity Final Year Students Meeting for Bachelor Thesis. This activity was held on Monday, 14 November 2022 which took place in Classroom 405, Postgraduate Building, UMY, and was attended by IGOV UMY Team and IGOV UMY students. As an international class, this activity needs to be carried out because the international class has procedures for submitting and working on theses that are different from regular classes.

There were several discussions in this activity such as giving directions from the director of IGOV UMY, conveying the obstacles faced by IGOV UMY students, and collecting data regarding whether students had fulfilled the administration requirements for graduation. In addition, IGOV UMY provides facilities in the form of mentors for IGOV UMY students who have difficulties in the process of working on their thesis, such as processing data, using tools that are currently a requirement in the thesis, and assisting in scientific writing.

In this activity, Mas Sakir as the director of IGOV UMY gave directions for IGOV UMY students to be able to graduate quickly while still following existing quality standards “We hope IGOV UMY students can complete their thesis quickly but still pay attention to existing quality standards”. In addition, he explained that if there is a difference with the supervisor it is normal and can be resolved “If you have a conflict or difference of opinion with your supervisor it is normal and needs to be communicated properly and can be resolved well together” said Mas Sakir. (ARP)


One of the IGOV Students Became LO at the Visit Event of Mulawarman University to Khon Kaen University

Yogyakarta (12/11) – The student exchange program is a program that provides opportunities for students to experience the education system abroad for a certain period. Becoming one of the participants in the student exchange program has become a dream for most students, especially university students. Besides being an exciting experience, participating in a student exchange program also has a myriad of benefits which can certainly help you in shaping and developing your abilities and you can take part in positive activities that you may only get while on Student Exchange.

As felt by Moch. Noerriza Triananta is one of the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) Student batch 2020 who is doing a Student Exchange at Khon Kaen University, Thailand (KKU). Besides participating in academic activities, he had the opportunity to become a Liaison officer (LO) representing KKU to accompany representatives from Mulawarman University, Samarinda. The activity was held on Wednesday, November 10, 2022, to share about Mulawarman University which wants to open a student exchange program.

In addition to getting the opportunity to be an LO, Rizza is also a representative as a speaker sharing knowledge about student exchange for Mulawarman University. Of course, getting this opportunity made Rizza very enthusiastic and very happy because this opportunity was not necessarily obtained by other students and became an experience that would shape his abilities.

“I feel very honored and happy to be able to get this opportunity which will not necessarily come for the second time. Apart from only participating in academic activities, I also get non-academic activities in which other students may not get the same opportunities as me.” Riza said. (ARP)


IGOV UMY Students Participate in the National Conference at Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung

Yogyakarta (10/11) – Success in the world of work is not due to his academic ability. Not because of one’s technical ability / hard skills. Many studies show that one’s success in the world of work is not based on technical ability. The technical ability only accounts for ten percent of its success, and the remaining 80 percent is contributed by non-academic abilities or so-called soft skills. Soft skills currently support someone who will work or create jobs. This shows that most companies prefer prospective workers who have excellent soft skills but lack hard skills. Compared to choosing prospective workers who have strong hard skills but lack soft skills.

In this era, the capacity building of students at the University is being intensified to hone the soft skills of the students to prepare graduates who can compete globally. Many tactics and strategies are used by universities and study programs to improve students’ soft skills. One of the efforts made is to create a Capacity Building program that leads to students participating in national and international competitions, participating in international conferences, participating in national conferences, etc. Thus, students are expected to be able to improve their soft skills and get achievements in non-academic and academic fields

One of the Study Programs that aggressively encourages students to continue to improve their students’ soft skills is the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) through one of the capacity-building programs that it has created, IGOV Hello Research. At this time IGOV Hello Research is sending 6 IGOV students to a national conference held by the University of Muhammadiyah Lampung on Thursday, November 10, 2022, through Zoom Meetings. In this activity, participants presented the results of their research after they participated in the national seminar the participants were able to publish their research results in nationally reputable journals.

Positive activities like this cannot be separated from the contribution of IGOV UMY in providing excellent facilities through the Capacity Building program, namely IGOV Hello Research. As stated by Muhammad Ariq Rafi. “Participating in this activity is certainly a special opportunity where other students may not get this golden opportunity, of course, this opportunity cannot be separated from the support provided by IGOV UMY through IGOV Hello Research which allows students to continue to develop and prepare us to become quality graduates”. (ARP)


Tips and Tricks in Facing the Midterm Exam

Yogyakarta (9/11) – The presence of special moments where you must sit still and focus on responding to the lecturer’s questions is one of the most horrible experiences in a student’s life. Moments like this typically occur at least twice a semester, namely when the UTS and UAS exams for the midterm and final semesters, respectively, are given. For those of you who have just started college, you should be aware that UTS is typically held in the middle of the semester, while UAS is typically held at the end. In any case, the Mid-Semester Exam (UTS) proved to be quite dangerous for students. How come?

The Mid-Semester Examination (UTS), even though it takes place in the middle of the semester, has a significant impact on your Achievement Index in the future. You must, of course, prepare yourself as much as you can to later be able to easily complete the questions for the lecturer’s Mid-Semester Examination (UTS). Many current students as well as new students experience severe panic attacks right before the Mid-Semester Examination (UTS). This is because they are afraid that they won’t be able to answer the questions on the Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) correctly and completely.

The Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) is a great opportunity to assess how well you have learned the science material that has been taught in class. On this occasion, MinGov will try to help by offering some advice for managing the college UTS so that you can run the Mid-Semester Exam (UTS) as well as possible. check it out!

1. Study
Studying is necessary if you hope to succeed when dealing with UTS. Use the overnight racing system (SKS) sparingly and don’t just rely on luck, you know! Since there are many UTS materials that you have never read or do not understand, you can imagine if the study time only includes one night before the UTS implementation. Even though you read the material all night, you are exhausted the next day, making it difficult for you to concentrate on the UTS questions. Therefore, you must prepare in advance to understand any materials that may be released during UTS.

2. Establish a timetable.
Utilize effective time management to make studying while facing UTS as easy as possible. The ability to balance studying, playing, and other daily activities are necessary. For instance, finish the tasks and agenda before UTS so you can divide your time fairly before you play games or hang out with your friends.

3. Look after your health
Many students typically feel exhausted the night before UTS because they worked too hard to prepare for a passing UTS score. But even if you put in all the effort—from studying to regularly completing practice questions—if your health isn’t in good shape, you won’t be able to answer the UTS questions accurately. To maintain good health and be in top physical condition to face UTS, eat healthful foods, take vitamins, and exercise frequently.

4. Write Brief Notes
You should be aware that the purpose of this tiny note is not to cheat, but rather to help you remember the information more easily, particularly from the grid that your lecturer provides for each of the courses you are enrolled in. Typically, students will find it simpler to remember, especially with the system of having the lecturer’s material rewritten. At the very least, you will recall and comprehend the writing points that you made from the source material.

5. Pray
The most significant action you can take after all your previous efforts is to pray. Don’t forget to pray to God Almighty after you have put all your effort into being well-prepared for UTS so that you will have the confidence to face UTS.

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IGOV UMY Goes to SMAN in Kebumen

Yogyakarta (8/11) – All schools require effective school promotion, especially during this pandemic. It is not uncommon for school administrators to change the way their school promotes itself. This is critical because school promotion is a method of attracting new students to a school. With the right and effective promotion, a school can attract students who meet the school’s expectations and abilities.

International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) implemented several promotional strategies to entice students to join IGOV UMY and educate them on the numerous advantages and benefits that come with joining IGOV UMY. Among the promotional strategies used by IGOV UMY are visits to SMA in Bojonegoro, East Java, empowerment-based promotional activities, and digital promotions via social media.

One of the promotional activities recently carried out by the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) was the Campus Roadshow held by Admisi UMY. On this occasion, IGOV UMY visited SMAN 1 Petanahan and SMAN 1 Bulus Kebumen to introduce the students to the facilities, and programs provided, as well as internationalization. The promotional activity was brought by Foltama Juna Prasetya, one of the promotion teams from IGOV UMY.

At the time, besides introducing IGOV UMY and UMY, the students were very enthusiastic about the initial experience of being a student in Yogyakarta. In addition to adequate facilities at IGOV UMY, Yogyakarta is the main attraction for students to choose a place to study. This was stated by Mas Folta “Besides the students are interested in IGOV UMY and the opportunity to compete globally with the given program, the students are very curious about Yogyakarta and their first experience when studying in Yogyakarta.” (ARP)


Felicidades! IGOV UMY Students Get National Achievements in the Pencak Silat Competition

Yogyakarta (4/11) – Being a student is the best opportunity we have. Imagine there are people out there who can’t go to college due to several factors, for that we shouldn’t waste this best opportunity, right? It’s not just a student’s job to just study by sitting and listening to the lecturer’s explanation, making assignments that are ordered, and even saying “ah as long as just go to college.”
Here as a student, you must maximize the existing potential, and opportunities to develop talent. Why is being a student the best opportunity?

Because being a student will provide more opportunities for you to progress and develop such as relationships and experiences. In order not to waste this opportunity, you can start being active in organizing, being active in class, following lecturers during research, and participating in competitions.
Not just a waste of time, competitions will give you enthusiasm that is very useful for you in your college days until when you start working.

One of the students of the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) took the privilege of being a student to progress and develop. The student is Gumesa Rahma Jati IGOV Batch 2021 who just won 2nd place in the 12th Airlangga Championship Tapak Suci National Open 2022 in the Women’s Class B Competition/50-55 kg category. The championship was held on October 31–November 4, 2022, at Graha PPAL – Jl. Abdul Latif No. 1 Comp. Kenjeran, Surabaya.


Even though he ended up in 2nd place, Gumesa is still grateful and considers that he needs to develop his abilities again and sharpen his skills so that in the next match he will get more satisfying results. “Yes, even though it hurts but I am still grateful and take the positive side that, indeed this is the path that God has given me so that I am not arrogant and arrogant so that I continue to practice to produce better results in the next competition,” said Gumesa. (ARP)


IGOV UMY Was Given the Opportunity to Educated Students from SMAN 3 Blitar about International Exposure

Yogyakarta (3/11) – Effective school promotion, especially during this pandemic, is urgently needed by all schools. It is not uncommon for school administrators to change the way they promote their school. This is very important, considering that school promotion is a way of getting new students for a school. With the right and effective promotion, a school can get students who are following the expectations and abilities of the school.


At this time, the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) made many promotional strategies to attract students to join IGOV UMY and educate them about the advantages and many benefits they get when joining IGOV UMY. Several promotional strategies that have been carried out by IGOV UMY are, visiting SMA in Bojonegoro, East Java, making empowerment-based promotional activities, Conducting digital promotions through social media, etc.

One of the promotional activities that become routine is the Campus Tour which is held by Admisi UMY. In this activity, high school students from all over Indonesia who visit UMY will be invited to tour the campus and be given an introduction to UMY and certain study programs. On the occasion of the Campus Tour this time, IGOV UMY was allowed to fill in the presentation of the introduction of IGOV UMY to students of SMAN 3 Blitar. This activity was held on Thursday, November 3, 2022, and took place at the KH. Ibrahim Building, Amphi E7.B. 5th floor hosted by Salsa Della Guitara, one of the IGOV UMY Students Batch 2021

In the Campus Tour activity, apart from promoting IGOV, UMY can provide education about the importance of internationalization for the next generation, in which this generation must face the demographic bonus and compete not only with prospective workers from Indonesia but also workers from abroad. As Salsa said, “Right Mas, apart from promoting IGOV, UMY is a superior study program, we provide important education about Internationalization and International Exposure so that we are better prepared not only regionally but globally”. (ARP)


Visiting Professor, Student Opportunities to Learn from Global Lecturers

Yogyakarta (2/11) – In realizing the vision to become a Governmental Research Excellence In the Asean study program and produce professional Government Science graduates, the Government Science Study Program of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta(Prodi IP UMY) through the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration UMY (IGOV) UMY) always plays an active role by improving academic quality and services. One of the activities that aim to improve the quality of education in this environment is to invite professors from several foreign universities for various academic activities involving students and lecturers or commonly called the Visiting Professor Program.

Visiting Professor (Guest Lecturer) is one of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta’s (UMY) internationalization programs that aims to present Visiting Lecturers from foreign universities, particularly those that are included in the top 100 QS World University Rankings or have a cooperation agreement with UMY. Two or more Study Programs, either within the same Faculty or across Faculties, can propose the Visiting Professor Program. The Visiting Professor Program results in the publication of research findings with UMY lecturers in reputable/indexed international journals.

To support this, IGOV UMY invited a Visiting Professor from the School of Social Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, namely, Dr. Muhammad Febriansyah, Ph.D. On this occasion, Dr. Febri will teach 2 classes of IGOV UMY on November 1, 2022, and November 2, 2022, presenting the topic How to Find an Interesting Topic Research in the Qualitative Analysis class led by Dr. Suswanta, M.Si and the Electoral System in Malaysia: Its Implementation and Critical Evaluation in the Electoral Governance class led by Dr. Phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, MA

In addition to supporting the vision of UMY and UMY IP Study Programs, this program supports students from IGOV UMY to expand their range of knowledge
which will equip IGOV UMY students to become qualified graduates and have a global perspective. As expressed by one of the IGOV UMY students, Salsa Della Guitara “I think this program will help us see the world more broadly and absorb knowledge not only in Yogyakarta and Indonesia but globally. This certainly helps us to prepare when we have to compete in the world of work globally” (ARP)


Get to Know More About Muhammadiyah, IGOV Students Goes to Napak Tilas Muhammadiyah

Yogyakarta (1/11) – Kauman Tourism Village is the only Tourism Village based on the Islamic religion and traces the history of Syiar to Islam, especially the establishment of the Islamic organization Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta and Indonesia in general. The Kauman Religious Tourism Village is regionally located in Ngupasan Village, Gondomanan District and its location are right on the west side of the north square, only a 10-minute walk from the Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace and 15 minutes to Malioboro. The existence of the Kauman Religious Tourism Village has a very strategic position and is supported by cultural heritage buildings which are at the same time the Grand Dalem Sultanate, namely the Gede Kauman Mosque and the existence of historical places related to the journey of the national figure as well as the founder of Muhammadiyah, namely K.H Ahmad Dahlan. Sonobudoyo.



Besides being a religious-based tourist village, Kauman Tourism Village is a witness to the journey of the Yogyakarta Sultanate since the 1700s until now and the national struggle of the people of the Republic of Indonesia. This is useful for students who want to know more about the history of Muhammadiyah and the struggle of the Indonesian people to be free from colonialism directly, which is the same as the purpose of the establishment of the Kauman Tourism Village to maintain silent witnesses in Indonesia’s religious journey.

To maintain history so that it will be remembered and get to know more about kemuhammadiyahan, students of the International Government Affairs and Administration of the Universitas Muhamamdiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) batch 2022 visited Kauman Tourism Village on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. This activity was held in the Kemuhammadiyahan course that was taught by Fadhillah Tsani, S.E. The students who took part in this program felt happy and enthusiastic about the learning model that was not monotonous and could go directly to getting to know Muhammadiyah through visiting tourist villages containing the history of Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta.

“I feel that this activity eliminates the boredom of monotonous learning models and I feel that this kind of learning is easier to understand than just studying through books or journals,” said Reyga Pramudita, one of the IGOV Batch 2022 students. (ARP)


Universiti Sains Malaysia Open Registration for Student Exchange!

Yogyakarta (27/10) – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is a public research university in Malaysia. Founded on 1 June 1969 as a statutory body with its constitution, it is among the oldest institutes of higher learning in Northern Malaysia. It has three campuses: the main campus on the island of Penang, a health campus in Kelantan, and an engineering campus in Nibong Tebal. There is currently an overseas collaboration with KLE University, India offering the Doctor of Medicine (USM) undergraduate degree. USM plans to open a Global Campus (Kuala Lumpur Campus) in Kuala Lumpur Education City With around 28,300 postgraduate and undergraduate students in 2009, USM is one of the largest universities in terms of enrollment in Malaysia. The number of lecturers is about 1,479, which leads to a student-lecturer ratio of around 19:1.

As one of the partners of the International Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY), IGOV UMY and USM often exchange students to conduct student exchange programs or conduct research collaborations. On this occasion, USM opened registration for IGOV UMY students who wanted to do student exchanges with USM. Registration is open until November 10, 2022, with the following conditions:
– Curriculum Vitae
– Motivation Letter
– Latest Academic Transcript
– Scanned Copy of Passport (biodata page only)
– Scanned Copy of English Proficiency Certificate (min. 480)
– Latest Photo (taken within last 6 months)
submit all documents to sigov.umy.ac.id/ sigov apps. (ARP)