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Good News! IGOV UMY Presents Visiting Professor Program from Germany

Good News! IGOV UMY Presents Visiting Professor Program from Germany
Yogyakarta – (7/10). IGOV Odd Visiting Lecture program back with a professor from German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), namely Dr. Andreas Ufen. As what he did last year, Dr. Ufen will delivers his point of view on electoral system in Germany with the length of September – December 2021 virtually.
The Lectures series start at 13.30 punctually and it participated by IGOV and the regular class students as well. The response given to the activity was very enthusiastic, as evidenced by the students paying close attention when he presents his slides.
Salsa Latsica Dewi, an IGOVers 2020 commented on the activity. “I am delightful with a visit like this because it can add insight and improvisation in foreign languages ​​and train the courage of public speaking. Hopefully, this activity can continue because it is very useful,” she said.

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Held a Socialization with the Student’s Parents, The IGOV Team of UMY Received Positive Responses

Yogyakarta – 6/10, the IGOV UMY Team held an online meeting and socialization via Zoom Meeting with the parents of the IGOV UMY students to discuss the programs that have been planned in the future.

The Director of IGOV UMY,  Sakir Ridho Wijaya S.IP,. M.IP, opened the meeting and give a comprehensive presentation about materials and activities related to the IGOV’s future programs.
The purpose of this meeting between parents and students was to get to know each other more closely, also through this meeting, parents would gain an understanding of the dynamics of the lectures and classes. With this event, parents hopefully can grasp the sense that their children have a support system from IGOV to navigate their better future.
Adibah Dhivani Gusmi, as one of the IGOV Team members said, “This parent meeting activity is very important because it indirectly formed an interactive relationship between parents, students, and IGOV. This event is also a form of conveying aspirations from parents to IGOV UMY,”.
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Improving the Quality of Proposal, IGOV UMY Facilitates Students to Learn Presentations for UG Theses Defenses

IGOV UMY provided facilities in the form of presentation training to prepare offline proposal seminars attended by several Government Science (IP) students both international and regular classes (6/10).
Fairuz Arta, as the facilitator of the activity, gave his opinion. “The purpose of this activity is to make both students from the Regular and International Class prepared for the defense. Besides, it can also be used as a rehearsal for proposal defense,” he said.
Salma Salsabila Abdillah, IGOV bactch 2017 gave a positive response regarding this activity “It really helped me in understanding the technique for proposal defense because I have never done before, its my first time. This training activity made me understand my weaknesses in delivering the material and find out what need to be improved. Also, there are many more benefits that I can get,” she said. (AD)

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“Thesis Has Come!” IGOV Equips Student Batch 2018 In Preparing Their Final Thesis

Yogyakarta, (5/10). Again and again, IGOV held another online socialization via zoom with IGOV batch 2018 discussing the programs at IGOV including UG thesis writing assistance.
Sakir Ridho Wijaya S.IP,. M.IP. as the Director of IGOV, he opened socialization activities as well as filled the course of material presentation activities related to the IGOV program, one of which was assistance in writing thesis. The purpose of this socialization activity is to get to know more about the students and the IGOV Team and provide direction for batch 2018 regarding the thesis.
Fairuz Arta has hope “With this socialization activity, I hope students can get closer and feel comfortable without having to be afraid. In addition, with the presentation of UG thesis writing mentoring material, IGOVers 2018 are expected to be able to improve the quality of their UG thesis to be published in National and International Journals”.

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Socialization of Student Competency Development: IGOVers 2019 Gives Positive Responses

Yogyakarta, (4/10). IGOV held an online socialization via zoom again with students batch 2019 to discuss several programs at IGOV including student exchange.
Sakir Ridho Wijaya S.IP,. M.IP. as a Director of IGOV opened the session then present IGOV programs for 2021/2022. The purpose of this socialization was the engagement between students and teams as well as offering batch 2019 to apply the exchange program. The response given by participants was conducive and responsive.
Fairuz Arta as a IGOV team hopes “by this activity, I hope students can get closer and feel comfortable without having to be afraid. In addition, with the information about exchange program for IGOV batch 2019 are expected to help their confusion”.

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Socialization of Student Competency Development: IGOVers Batch 2020 Gives Positive Responses

Yogyakarta, Saturday (2/10) the Director of IGOV and his team held an online socialization via zoom for each class of students regarding the program to be implemented.
Presented the planned program for IGOV students, Sakir Ridho Wijaya S.IP,. M.IP. as the director of IGOV opened and filled the course of the socialization activities. The purpose of this socialization activity is to get to know more about the students and the IGOV Team. The response given is also very conducive and responsive.
Fairuz Arta, a team from IGOV has hopes “With this socialization activity, I hope students can get closer and feel comfortable without having to be afraid. In addition, the planned program is expected to be able to encourage IGOV students to excel”.


Welcoming Party As IGOV’s Annual Agenda An Event to Welcome Freshman Batch 2021

In order to welcome new IGOV students in 2021, the International Government Students Community (IGSC) held an annual online and offline Welcoming Party with the theme “IGOV Revealing the Harmony of Solidarity, Creativity, and Connectivity” on Friday (01/10).

The opening session was opened directly by an opening speech from Sakir Ridho Wijaya S.IP,. M.IP. and continued with IGOV Introduction session by Fairuz Arta, as a representative from the IGOV Team for a closer introduction with IGOV.
Satrya Dhillan Bagaskara, as the head of the Welcoming Party 2021 event, gave his opinion on this activity. “This activity reminds me of when I first became a new student at IGOV. At that time I was still awkward and not quite sure about my choice at IGOV, but the Welcoming Party indirectly convinced me that my choice at IGOV was the right one. Friendly and responsive environment made me more comfortable here”. “With this activity, the hope is to be able to glued students together so that there is no generation gap and it is a way to maintain communication in an online situation like this,” he added.

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Fantastic: 6 Students of Government studies UMY Made it into PIMNAS

Thursday (30/09/2021), Alhamdulillah 6 Students of Government Science (IP) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) successfully passed the 34th PIMNAS. The six students were divided into 2 different PKM teams. The PKM-RSH team consists of: Vicky Alfina P, M. Noor Cahyadi, Ahmad Syafiqurrahman, M. Miftahul Ahsan, and Nita Aribah Hanif. The next PKM-PI Team is Galih Prasongko.
UMY’s Government Science Study Program is committed to improving student competence and achievement through PKM to lead students to reach the level of creativity and innovation enlightenment based on mastery of science and technology as well as high faith. “In order to prepare themselves to become intellectual leaders, independent and wise entrepreneurs, students are given the opportunity to implement abilities, skills, attitudes, responsibilities, build teamwork and develop independence through creative activities in the field of science they are engaged in,” said Tunjung Sulaksono as the Chairperson. UMY Government Science Study Program.
Galih Prasongko, a 2019 IP student explained that the PKM he took in this PIMNAS. “Initially it came from the village assisted by UKM Scouts to coincide in Jatimulyo Village, Girimulyo District, Kulonprogo Regency which has SMEs for processing cocoa pods. Now our PKM team is here because the village is constrained by production equipment and requires a longer time. What we have designed, Alhamdulillah, production has increased.” he said.
“This PKM team came from a discussion with friends. After that, we submitted a proposal according to the order of the process and so on. Thank God the theme we brought about collaborative governance in handling Covid-19 managed to pass to PIMNAS.” said Vicky Alfina as the PKM-RSH Team Leader.
The new policy of the Minister of Education and Culture contained in Kepmendikbud No 754/P/2020 concerning 8 Key Performance Indicators (IKU) which became the basis for the transformation of higher education in Indonesia. In the 8 KPIs, the assessment is based on several things and those that are directly related to students are university graduates getting decent jobs and students getting experience outside of campus. This is in accordance with this student creativity program.
Sakir Ridho Wijaya as PIC of PKM Government Science Study Program UMY added that UMY Government Science Study Program always facilitates students to improve competence and achievement through off-campus lecture activities. In addition, students are assisted in the intensive PKM proposal preparation process to PIMNAS preparation. “The UMY IP Study Program always facilitates students to improve their achievements through off-campus activities. It also aims to improve the competence of graduates so that they are competitive and get decent jobs.” he said. (AD)

related news :
Link 1: https://jogja.tribunnews.com/2021/09/30/sejumlah-6-mahasiswa-ilmu-pemerintahan-umy-lolos-pimnas-ke-34
Link 2: https://www.krjogja.com/berita-lokal/diy/yogyakarta/buat-inovasi-bantu-warga-6-mahasiswa-ip-umy-lolos-pimnas/
Link 3: https://www.wartajogja.id/2021/09/membanggakan-6-mahasiswa-ilmu.html
Link 4 :https://jogjapolitan.harianjogja.com/read/2021/09/30/510/1084370/mahasiswa-ilmu-governmental-umy-lolos-ke-pimnas-2021


In collaboration with the Indonesian Navy, UMY Implements Dose 1 Vaccination for the umpteenth time

The importance of increasing body immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic through vaccination programs for all elements of society. In this case, the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) in collaboration with the Indonesian Navy is again here to help UMY students and the community around Bantul to vaccinate dose 1 (Wave 5) with a drive-thru system on Monday (27/9) at Sportorium UMY.

A total of 1000 Sinovac vaccine of first dosis were given to students and the surrounding community. This activity was carried out to accelerate the distribution of vaccinations in the DIY region. In addition, according to the statement of Rector UMY, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP., IPM that the target for the implementation of vaccination until the end of September are UMY community and the Bantul community must get the vaccine evenly.
This activity received positive responses from students and the surrounding community. As stated by Daffa Aqshal, a 2019 Government Science Student, the vaccinations carried out by UMY were very helpful. “The vaccinations held by UMY are very helpful for students from outside the DIY region to be able to participate in the vaccine without having to return to their home regions.” he said.
Reinaldy, the community around UMY also said that the steps taken by UMY were the right ones. “It’s really good that UMY is holding a vaccination program. You don’t have to go far and it’s not difficult to find vaccines because it has been provided by UMY. The Drive-thru system is also very helpful because you don’t have to fight in queues and it’s very effective.”


IGOV Students Response to Online Class

Yogyakarta (27/09) – The students of the international program of Governmental Studies (IGOV) of UMY are attending the first week of the online class which started on Monday (20/09).
The online class system has made IGOV students yearn for the vibe and the atmosphere of attending offline classes at the university, some activities cannot be replaced by any activities on online classes; such as gathering with friends while waiting for the next class, having lunch at the cafeteria, and so many more memorable activities.
“Kangen suasana offline apalagi saat program Summer School Luring,” jawab Farhan (mahasiswa IGOV) ketika Tim Sosial Media IGOV memberikan pertanyaan “bagaimana perkuliahan seminggu awal” di Story Instagram Question Box. Selain Farhan, R. Dwi (mahasiswa IGOV) juga ikut memberikan jawabannya “Kangen banget, mau exchange secara offline lagi”, (25/09).
“I miss the atmosphere of the campus, especially during the Summer School program,” Farhan, an IGOV student answered the IGOV’s online questionnaire on social media which asked how did the student feel in the first week of the new semester. “I miss it so much, I want to participate in an offline exchange program”
According to Sakir Ridho Wijaya, S.IP., M.IP as the Director of IGOV, the classes will be held with a hybrid method. It mixes online classes and offline classes started from the next week. This method aims to cure the students longing to join offline classes at the campus.